Dear PPIG Discuss List members,
Welcome to the new PPIG Discuss list.  If you were a member of the old
list, you should be automatically enrolled to this new list.
This list, now run from the address:
replaces the previous list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In the forthcoming weeks we shall endeavour to attempt to: 
1)       try to establish forwarding from the old announce address to
the new address
2)       create administrative web pages to allow list members to
automatically subscribe and unsubscribe
3)       update information on the PPIG web site regarding this new
mailing list
In the meantime, please feel free to go ahead and use this list, and to
send me an email if you think that you no longer with to be subscribed
or have any questions.
Please accept our apologies for the recent lack of service.  We are
working to resume normal operation as soon as possible :-)
Kind regards,
Chris Douce

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