At the risk of being self-centered.
Here are a few of my own publications related to the topic. There are
further work available - among others from Alan's group, I know.

Holmboe, C. (1999). A Cognitive Framework for Knowledge in Informatics: The
Case of Object-Orientation. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (Proceedings of ITiCSE),
4, 17-21.

Holmboe, C. (2004). A Wittgenstein Approach to the Learning of OO modelling.
Computer Science Education, 14(4), 275-294.

Holmboe, C. (2005). Conceptualisation and Labelling as Linguistic
Challenges for
Students of Data Modelling. Computer Science Education, 15(2).

Christian Holmboe

> All this talk about metaphors, reminded me of a question that I have
> been wanting to ask for a while.
> Is anybody familiar with any work on programming languages that uses
> the findings from cognitive linguistics? (i.e. the works of Talmy,
> Langacker, Taylor, and maybe even Fauconnier.)

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