Sebenarnya soal hikmah bencana Aceh ini bukan barang
baru karena sudah ada dibenak banyak orang Indonesia
yang waras, tetapi karena ditulis oleh seorang Jusuf
Wanandi maka saya merasa pasti bahwa kedutaan asing di
Jakarta mengutip atau mengklip tulisan ini dan lantas
melaporkannya ke ibukota masing-masing.  Hikmah nomor
satu, dapat dipastikan bahwa sikap xenophobia kita
akan berkurang setelah menyaksikan bahwa pihak luar
yang kita benci atau curigai ternyata dengan tulus
memberikan bantuan yang effektif, sementara kita
sendiri mulanya masih setengah cuwek.  Sangat wajar
kalau kita mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak
yang membantu itu paling tidak secara formal; saya
percaya bahwa TNI sudah melayangkan surat kepada
pimpinan Armada Pasifik, serta pimpinan militer
Australia, Singapura, Jepang, Malaysia, Perancis dan

Saya setuju dengan Jusuf Wanandi, untuk menghargai
mereka yang membantu kita, minimal kita tunjukkan
dengan bukti bukan dengan pernyataan, bahwa bantuan
asing untuk Aceh tidak kita korup.  Sementara ini
memang belum terdengar mereka mengeluh, tapi kita
harus siap-siap.

Tak kalah pentingnya, kita tidak menyia-nyiakan
kesempatan emas untuk mengupayakan perdamaian antara
pemerintah pusat dengan GAM.  Pihak GAM telah
benar-benar tersudut karena basis mereka didaerah
pantai porak poranda.  Saya percaya, simpati (atau
rasa takut) rakyat Aceh sekarang tidak pada GAM. 
Dalam keadaan ini, mengumumkan kematian orang GAM saya
rasa bukan psy-war yang baik.  Berkaitan dengan ini,
saya menghargai berita bahwa Presiden menginginkan
pimpinan TNI mendatang adalah seorang perwira



February 15, 2005 
RI and the international community in the tsunami's
Jusuf Wanandi, Jakarta

One striking thing that the tsunami has shown to
Indonesians is the deep and broad support, solidarity
and empathy of the International Community towards
Indonesia in overcoming this horrific natural
disaster. There are no other ulterior motives than
humanitarian solidarity and empathy. The gut reaction
by xenophobic Indonesians about the motives and vested
interests of the foreign community, ranging from
intervention in Indonesian domestic affairs to
espionage, is simply laughable.

There has never been such an outpouring of empathy and
solidarity before towards Indonesia and our
sufferings. We should appreciate that, and also show
our gratitude since we do need all the assistance and
help, especially for a part of Indonesia that has
suffered so much for so long. Without international
help and assistance, many more Acehnese would have
died in the aftermath of the tsunami, due to hunger,
sickness and deprivation. 

Our gratitude should also be shown by how we handle
all the financial aid and assistance for
reconstruction. That means that we should be able to
organize it well and with a minimum of waste and
corruption as possible. Foreign donors are most
worried about this, and understandably so. If we fail
to do so, aid will no longer be forthcoming to fulfill
all the needs. This will not only affect the
reconstruction of Aceh, but more devastatingly will
severely affect our relationship with the outside
world in the future. 

The role and responsibility of the local government in
the reconstruction of Aceh, with the assistance and
supervision from Jakarta, will be a heavy one because
they must work efficiently and be free from all
corruption. It is fine to have outside accounting
firms such as Ernst and Young to do the oversight, but
this might not be adequate. As indicated in the master
plan prepared by the central government in
consultation with local governments and local leaders,
reconstruction efforts by donors could be undertaken
directly so long as they are in accordance with the
plan and in cooperation with national and local

If the Indonesian government and the elite do not want
to be scrutinized, they should do it by themselves and
with their own money, as India and Thailand have
decided to do. That is acceptable and honorable. But
you cannot have your cake and eat it too! 

Another important issue is the political solution to
the conflict between the Indonesian government and GAM
(the Free Aceh Movement). A lot of expectations have
been created by the tsunami that a political solution
would be sought, since GAM is also facing a lot of
challenges and has been weakened due to the military
operations and the disruption in their logistics lines
and support from the coastal areas, which have been
hit and damaged by the tsunami. The international
community has also encouraged both sides to work out a
political solution, and the civil society in Jakarta
and many leaders in Aceh are also expecting that. 

In the meantime, the reality is that GAM only seems to
want a ceasefire, perhaps long enough to recuperate
from the setback, while the government would like to
find a final political solution based on the full
implementation of the Special Autonomy Law, financial
compensation for GAM and for Aceh, as well as amnesty
for GAM. Based on Special Autonomy, GAM could
participate fully in the political processes in Aceh.
It appears that GAM is as yet not prepared to give up
their long-term objective of gaining total
independence for Aceh. It is not easy to bridge this
gap. It is also not clear whether GAM leaders living
in Aceh are more pragmatic than those living in
Stockholm, who seem to have a solid hold on the

It is a better option for the government to first have
a complete plan supported by all the important
elements, including the legislature and the Indonesian
Military (TNI), before resuming talks with GAM. The
President, being personally involved in earlier talks
in Geneva and Tokyo, should understand that he must
provide leadership in finding a solution for the Aceh

The decades-long struggle has shown how costly the
conflict has been for both sides. The tsunami is a
good reminder that peace is critical for Aceh's
rehabilitation and reconstruction. Jakarta has to show
its magnanimity to all Acehnese to seriously undertake
the reconstruction of Aceh and to give GAM members not
only amnesty but also the right to participate fully
in the governing of Aceh through their own political
party in local elections in the future, however that
must be within the confines of the Republic of

The writer is co-founder & member of the Board of
Trustees, and Senior Fellow Centre for Strategic and
International Studies, CSIS. 

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