The Capitalist Age(1)

By Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Both the warrior class and the intellectual class like to enjoy
material wealth, though their methods of accumulating material objects
are different. The capitalists/ business class, however, are more
interested in possessing material objects than enjoying them. Looking
at their possessions, or thinking about them, gives them a certain
peace of mind. So in the Age of Capitalism the practical value of
material goods is less than at any other time. They gradually become
inert both literally and in financial terms. This is the greatest
curse of the Commercial Age, because the less the mobility of material
goods, that is, the greater their stagnation in different spheres, the
more harmful it is for the common people. In the warrior and
intellectual Ages it is very rare for people to die of starvation
while grains rot in the warehouses. Although there is disparity of
wealth in the Warrior(2) and Intellectual Ages, warriors and
intellectuals do not kick others into a pit of privation, poverty and
starvation while they themselves enjoy their wealth. This is because
they see other people as tools to be used for the purpose of
exploitation, but do not see them as the wellspring of exploitation as
capitalists do. To a capitalist, the laborers/workers, the
warrior/military class and the intellectuals are not only tools to be
used for exploitative purposes, they are the wellspring of
exploitation as well.

The capitalists gain material objects of enjoyment through the
physical efforts of others; or directly through mental efforts; or
sometimes through such physical efforts, sometimes through mental
efforts, and sometimes through both simultaneously, according to the
situation. So in this respect the capitalists are similar to the
intellectuals. However, the difference is that when the intellectuals
acquire objects of enjoyment, they do not let others know that that is
their intention; they resort to various types of logic, quote from the
scriptures, fake indifference, and employ many other techniques. The
capitalists do not do such things. In this regard at least, they are
more straightforward than the intellectuals. They do not hide their
intentions, which are to accumulate an increasing number of objects of

As intellectuals are to some extent guided by conscience, they do not
utilize their intellects solely to accumulate objects of enjoyment. If
they develop a greater degree of conscience or if their intellects
increase, they will often neglect to do this altogether. But this
never happens with capitalists, first of all because they are somewhat
lacking in conscience. And secondly, if any of them do have a bit more
conscience, they will satisfy it by making donations according to
their convenience, priorities or inclination, but they will never stop
accumulating objects of enjoyment. A capitalist with a conscience may
donate a hundred thousand rupees at a moment's notice, but while
buying and selling he will not easily let go of even a [single penny].

The consequences of accumulating material objects of enjoyment are not
the same for capitalists as they are for intellectuals, either.
Because they generally spend some time thinking about higher pursuits,
intellectuals do not ideate on objects of enjoyment. But capitalists
do. As a result they one day take the form of matter.

Capitalist Mentality

Whatever glory the capitalists gain, they gain at the risk of their
lives. In this regard they are definitely greater than the
intellectuals and may also be greater than the warriors. The
capitalists always keep in mind the possible ups and downs in life and
their personal profit and loss; thus they develop the capacity to
adapt to a wide variety of situations. They are neither especially
attracted to luxuries nor repelled by hardships. This is the key to
their success.

Capitalists are fighters, but their methods of fighting are different
from those of the warriors or even the intellectuals. Actually they
lack the powerful personalities of the warriors and are in fact the
opposite -- weak personalities. They do not hesitate to sell their
personal force, their society, their nation, the prestige of women, or
national welfare, which the warrior class would never do.
Intellectuals limit their fighting to the intellectual sphere, but
this is not exactly the case with capitalists. Although they also
fight intellectually, they do so only to make money. If an
intellectuals and a capitalist ever engage in a purely intellectual
fight, the intellectuals will win. But if the fight is between their
urges for financial gain, the capitalist will win; the capitalist will
lock the intellectuals' minds up in their iron safes.

Capitalists perceive the world through greedy eyes. They do not have
the capacity to correctly or fully understand worldly issues. They do
not understand anything except the economic value of things. Their
commercial outlook is not confined to the material world only; it also
includes the psychic and spiritual worlds.

Even though capitalists, as a kind of intellectual, have the capacity
to acquire psychic wealth, they do not utilize this capacity properly.
However, some capitalists do find quite subtle ways to make money --
it all depends on the degree of their intellect.(3) Though they may
have a developed intellect or a desire to do good, they never forget
that their primary aim is to make money. They worship whichever god
makes them rich. After earning tens of millions of rupees by cheating
people with their business acumen, they use a small part of their
profit to construct temples or inns/rest houses, because they believe
that this will absolve them of their sins.

Capitalists do not like to tread the path of desireless action in
order to make their minds one-pointed and realize God. They avoid or
usually try to avoid the real purpose of dharma, for they do not have
any sense of or feeling for religion other than some degree of fear of
God. If this fear decreases, they begin to behave like mean-minded
demons. In such a state of mind they can commit any type of sin to
satisfy their hunger for money.

A mind which runs after money moves in very crooked ways. Although
this movement involves intense effort, due to the crudeness of its
objective the movement cannot be straightforward: it is crooked,
extremely crooked.

Due to their intense effort capitalists are mutative by nature, and
due to the crudeness of their objectives they are static by nature;
thus they are a combination of the mutative [red] and static [black]
forces and are symbolized by the colour yellow.

Though capitalists make greater efforts than do warriors, their
efforts are more psychic than physical.

Deadly Social Parasites

Capitalists believe that only a few people can accumulate material
wealth, depriving the rest. Thus there will always be only a few
capitalists, while those who are the objects and tools of their
exploitation form the majority. Like exploited beasts of burden which
carry bags of sugar, in their crippled state of mind the majority feel
that they do not have the right to taste the sweetness. This feeling
is the greatest ally of the capitalists, so directly or indirectly
they always try to nurture this type of feeling in the minds of the
majority. Consequently they propagate various types of isms and
ethereal theories with the help of the intellectuals in their pay whom
they have reduced to the level of workers/laborers. When the majority,
unable to tolerate this exploitation any longer or find any other way
out, desperately leap into action, the Capitalist  Age comes to an
end. But it takes a long time for downtrodden people to understand
that the capitalists are the parasites of society. Hence thorough
preparation is required to end the Capitalist Age.

By capitalists I mean here the low type of capitalists. However, I am
not prepared to call those who are not low capitalists, "high"
capitalists; because while it is true that they give donations as well
as exploit, and that society may be benefited by their donations, that
will not bring the people who have died from their exploitation back
to life!

The capitalists increase their wealth by buying the back-breaking
labour of the laborers, the powerful personalities of the warriors,
and the intellect of the intellectuals, according to their needs. The
workers, just like beasts, sell their physical labour in exchange for
mere subsistence. Because they sell their labour, society survives and
moves ahead. The powerful personalities of the warriors build and
maintain the social structure with the labour extracted from the
workers. Through their intellect the intellectuals utilize the
personal force of the warriors (military), and through their money and
capitalistic mentality the capitalists utilize the intellectuals'
intellect to increase their wealth.

The capitalists do not confront any social problem directly. Just as
they buy the labour of the workers, the personal force of the warriors
and the intellect of the intellectuals with money, so they endeavour
to solve all social problems with money. They do not win victory on
the battlefield; they buy it with money. In poverty-stricken
democratic countries they buy votes. As they accomplish everything
with money, their vital force comes from money. They therefore take
all sorts of risks in life to accumulate money. For money they can
sacrifice their conscience, their sense of good and bad, right and
wrong, at any moment. So in order to save the exploited workers,
warriors and intellectuals from the capitalists, money, which is the
source of all their power, has to be taken out of their hands.

Of course it is not wise to think that all social problems will be
solved just by taking money away from the capitalists. Although they
will have lost their money, they will still have their greedy,
money-making mentality.

Thus the structure of society will have to be built in such a way, and
society will have to progress in such a way (maintaining balance among
time, place and person), that the greedy, money-making mentality of
the capitalists is rendered ineffectual. This cannot be accomplished
by persuasion or by delivering philosophical talks. Their money-making
intellect will have to be rendered ineffectual through physical force,
and they will have to be shown the divine truth and made to sit and
perform spiritual practices to awaken their pinnacled intellect.

To the capitalists the social body is merely a machine for making
money. The intellectuals are the head, the warriors are the arms, and
the workers are the legs of the machine. The authors of scripture may
say that the capitalists are the thighs of the machine, but I would
say that this is incorrect. Of course the capitalists are part of the
social body, but they are not part of the money-making machine within
that social body. They are separate. They supply the oil, water and
fuel to the machine, but they take far more from the machine than they
spend on it. They think, "As I supply oil, water and fuel to the
machine to keep it running, all of the output is mine. My money built
the machine, and with my money I can destroy it. If necessary I will
get more work out of it by supplying it with more oil, water and fuel,
and if I no longer need it I will send it to the junkyard."

If, in the history of human struggle, the role of the intellectuals is
one of parasitic dependence on others, I cannot find words to describe
the role of the capitalists. Both the intellectuals and the
capitalists exploit society, but the intellectuals exploiters are not
as terrible as the capitalist exploiters. The capitalists are like a
deadly parasite on the tree of society which tries to kill the tree by
sucking dry all its vital sap. But if the tree dies, the parasite will
also die. The capitalist parasites understand this and therefore try
to ensure the survival of society by making some donations; they build
temples, mosques, churches and pilgrims' inns, give little bonuses,
feed the poor; etc. Calamity only comes when they lose their common
sense out of excessive greed and try to suck society completely dry.

Once the social body falls unconscious, the capitalists will die along
with the rest of the body. Otherwise, before allowing themselves to
die, the exploited workers, warriors and intellectuals can unite to
destroy the capitalists. This is the rule.

Crooked Intellect

The path of the intellectuals is crooked and so is the path of the
capitalists. The difference between them is that since the
capitalists' crooked intellect has no trace of spiritual
consciousness, it often proves to be suicidal.

A dreadful calamity will befall society if those who have intellectual
capacity squander it by running after mundane pleasures instead of
utilizing it to realize spiritual bliss -- if they utilize all their
intellect to fatten themselves by sucking the vital juice of others.
So there can be no social welfare until this type of mentality is
eradicated or rendered ineffectual through circumstantial pressure. No
political leader or governmental or social system can build a welfare
state, a socialistic state or an ideal society if they neglect this
fundamental disease. If those who go around looking for opportunities
to enlarge their stomachs by sucking the vital force of others
continue to control society or the nation through their own group of
sinners, what can one expect to see in such a society except a horrid
picture of hell!

Most of the evils that occur in society are created due to the
exploitation carried out by the capitalists. In order to increase the
size of their bank balances, the capitalists create an artificial
scarcity of such items as food, clothing and other essential
commodities, and then earn a profit by black marketeering. Those who
do not have the capacity to purchase commodities at exorbitant prices
steal, commit armed robberies and engage in other criminal activities
in order to obtain the minimum requirements of their lives. Poor
people deprived of food and clothing work as the agents of the greedy
capitalists engaged in black marketeering and smuggling. When these
poor people are caught, they are the ones who get punished, while the
capitalists escape thanks to the power of their money. Such ill-fated
poor people lose their consciences and descend deeper into sin.
Society condemns these sinners, while the rich capitalists, the
instigators of the sinners, play the role of public leaders. They wear
garlands, set off verbal fireworks, and shrilly exhort the masses to
make greater sacrifices.


The repugnant social disease of prostitution is also a creation of the
capitalists. As a result of excessive wealth the capitalists lose
their self-control and their character on the one hand; and many
unfortunate women are forced by poverty to descend to this sinful
occupation on the other hand.

In India prostitution has been outlawed, but every rational person
knows that it cannot be stopped by legal means. Poor women who once
lived in red-light districts have only fled out of fear of the law to
respectable localities. As a result the sin which was previously
confined to certain areas is now spreading to other parts of town. In
order to eradicate this sinful occupation in India, it will be
necessary to eliminate the capitalist social system, because in eighty
per cent of cases the cause of prostitution is economic injustice. Of
course if due to wrong education or base propensities people (both men
and women) give indulgence to this sinful occupation, it will continue
even after the eradication of economic injustices. So instead of
enacting laws, the exploitation of the capitalists will have to be
eliminated, as will other social injustices. And instead of legally
banning something, a healthy outlook should be encouraged.

Of course it is in the nature of a capitalist-dominated social system
that many good laws are framed just to win cheap applause from the
public. However, none of these laws are strictly implemented; because
if they were, it would become difficult to exploit people.

to be continued...

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