Kok heran tho mas?
Sekali nekolim ya tetap nekolim! Toh nyatanya KD  Baung ngacir
terbirit-birit habis digesek sama "kapal plastik" KRI Tedung Naga...
Artinya nekolim ini, besar kemauan tapi kecil kema7uan!  aliar nafsu
besar tenaga kurang alias coward bin chicken! SO don't worry lah...

On 4/22/05, W. Kusumo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "...Kompas said it had no political agenda and was merely reporting a
> Press briefing given by the information chief from the Indonesian navy."
> Good! Tapi koq tetap saja dalam penyampaian beritanya, the New Starits
> Times Malaysia masih sangat terkesan ditunggangi kepentingan pihak
> tertentu? Jika memang ada sedikit saja rasa hormat terhadap Institusi
> Pertahanan Indonesia, saya cukup yakin pihak NST M'sia tidak akan
> berbuat tindakan kekanak-kanakan yg otomatis juga akan menurunkan
> profesionalitas mereka sendiri, dengan sengaja (atau tidak?)
> menggunakan huruf kecil ketika merujuk kepada Angkatan Laut Republik
> Indonesia. Saya coba lihat tata cara media asing lain ketika merujuk
> kepada Angkatan Laut negara manapun dengan memasukkan kata "Navy" di
> kotak pencarian Yahoo! News: http://news.yahoo.com/ dan pada halaman
> pertama hasil pencarian, walaupun yg tampil pada 10 hasil pencarian
> pertama pada pukul 11:11 WIB hari Jum'at tgl 22 April 2005 itu hanya
> melibatkan Angkatan Laut Amerika dan Australia, tapi saya tidak
> berhasil menemukan satupun penulisan Navy, baik itu US Navy dan/atau
> Australian Navy yg menggunakan huruf KECIL. Mudah2an ini hanyalah
> kesalahan sepele yg dikarenakan oleh ketidak-telitian editor News
> Straits Times tanpa ada unsur kesengajaan, dan terutama bukan karena:
> "...the Malaysian Press had allowed itself to be used as a propaganda
> tool..."
> yg mungkin (HANYA kemungkinan, I am NOT pointing finger at anybody or
> any institution) bisa saja oleh kalangan berpendidikan dimanapun
> diterjemahkan sebagai suatu bentuk penghinaan, secara langsung maupun
> tidak, terhadap TNI AL dengan menganggap kecil dan/atau tidak ada
> apa-apanya Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia (Indonesian Navy).
> Salam prihatin,
> Wilson Kusumo
> =======================================================================
> http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Friday/National/20050422081546/Article/indexb_html
> Syed Hamid: Relations good despite negative Press reports
> Amy Chew in Jakarta
> Apr 22:
> MALAYSIA and Indonesia have good relations despite the negative
> publicity given by the Indonesian Press over the Ambalat issue, says
> Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
> "I hope the Indonesian Press can see that the relationship between
> Malaysia and Indonesia goes much deeper than what has been played up,
> as though there is tension, a loss of harmony; there is no such
> thing," Syed Hamid said yesterday.
> He was speaking at the sideline of the 50th anniversary of the
> Asia-African Summit which is scheduled to be attended by 50 heads of
> states including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
> He said the issue would be discussed at bilateral talks and not during
> the summit and both countries would work to resolve the dispute
> through dialogue.
> The Indonesian Press has given wide coverage to the Ambalat issue.
> On Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in
> Putrajaya he was considering taking legal action against leading
> Indonesian daily, Kompas, for publishing a report which said he had
> apologised to Jakarta over the April 8 incident in which naval vessels
> belonging to the two countries brushed each other while patrolling the
> disputed maritime border in the Sulawesi Sea.
> On Monday, Kompas said it had no political agenda and was merely
> reporting a Press briefing given by the information chief from the
> Indonesian navy.
> On Wednesday, Kompas issued a statement in response to Malaysian Press
> queries, saying that it had published Najib's denial of apologising to
> Jakarta in keeping with journalistic ethics of covering both sides.
> Kompas also expressed regret that the Malaysian Press had allowed
> itself to be used as a propaganda tool to besmirch the meaning of
> Press freedom.
> On another matter, Syed Hamid hopes African nations attending the 50th
> Asia-African Summit here will give their support for an Asian to be
> the next Secretary-General of the United Nations as Asia had once
> given its support to an African candidate.
> "Now it's Asia's turn and Asia has its own candidates."
> ***************************************************************************
> Berdikusi dg Santun & Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg 
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