Dari pergaulan dengan seorang teman, saya menghadiri
promosi air penyehat OXY dan saya beli 2 kardus OXY
masing-masing berisi 24 botol air murni dari sumber
yang sudah diproses alat MreT (Molecular resonance
effect Technology) teknologi Jerman plant-nya PMDN
dekat Jogja.  Tiap pagi sebelum sholat subuh dan jalan
pagi, saya minum sebotol dalam keadaan perut kosong.

Dari pergaulan dengan seorang teman lagi (Ibu Devi),
saya diperkenalkan dengan seorang isteri dari seorang
dokter bedah jantung.  Ceritanya, sang dokter ini
hanya percaya pada penyembuhan medis dan  sakit ada
penyempitan di pembuluh aortanya.  Diam-diam sang
isteri menyajikan air minum Aqua yang di treat dengan
alat MRET (yang ini patent Amerika, singkatannya sama
demgan MreT).  Setelah beberapa minggu dokter di
Indonesia dan Australia terheran-heran kok penyumbatan
di aorta hilang lenyap.  Sang dokter bersikukuh bahwa
itu adalah berkat obat paten yang diminumnya, sang
isteri diam saja dan dia tidak mengatakan bahwa itu
adalah berkat air MRET yang tiap hari dia sajikan.

Konon tubuh kita membutuhkan air murni pegunungan yang
activated.  Air ini dapat leluasa masuk celah antara
sel-sel tubuh, sehingga zat makanan dan oksigen dapat
sampai ke seluruh tubuh.  Konon yang membedakan air
penyembuh Lourdes dan zam-zam serta air pegunungan
Kaukasus dan Tibet, adalah struktur atom dalam molekul
H2O.  Tidak seperti air murni biasa, kovalen H dari
dua atom H yang diikat oleh satu atom O membentuk
sudut 104.5 drajat, sama dengan air dalam cairan tubuh
manusia.  Adalah Lubert Stryer, setelah meneliti di
St. Petersburg University di Rusia dia membawa
hasilnya ke Amerika, dan memperoleh hak patent pada
tahun 2000 atas alat MERT yang dirancangnya.

Alat MERT ini sudah dijual di Jakarta secara MLM,
kabarnya harganya Rp. 3 juta keatas tergantung besar
kecilnya.  Harap jangan bertanya lebih lanjut kepada
saya, karena saya sendiri belum membelinya.



Activated Water 
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology 
This particular article relates to subtle electrical
effects, and provides some evidence of a fundamental
nature on how electromagnetic fields might be utilized
to modify the molecular arrangements and activity of
water. I have focused my efforts on the water molecule
to show that it can be activated both for physical
processes and for influences on cellular life

Activated Water is produced with the help of patented,
non-chemical Molecular Resonance Effect Technology.
The process of water activation induces the formation
of water molecular clusters similar to water molecular
structures found in living cells. 

The basic idea of Molecular Resonance Effect
Technology is the direct transmission of prerecorded
molecular activity signals to biological systems with
the help of Activated Water. These messages are
imprinted in water during the process of activation.
The effect of Activated Water on molecular complexes,
such as bacteria, viruses, and abnormal cells, can be
explained by the fundamental physical phenomenon of
electromagnetism, such as resonance, constructive and
destructive interference. 

“The molecular structure of water is the essence of
all life.” 

Albert Szent Gyorgyi, recipient of Nobel Prize for
discovery of vitamin C. 

“Water profoundly influences all molecular
interactions in biological systems. The existence of
life depends critically on the capacity of water to
dissolve polar molecules that serve as … information

Lubert Stryer, Stanford University, Author of
Biochemistry 4th Ed., 1995. 

Molecular Resonance Effect Technology 
After researching the effects of electromagnetic
radiation on cellular structures at St. Petersburg
University in Russia, I developed a system called
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET). I also
created a device for the alteration of the molecular
organization state of water and other liquid
substances. For this invention I was awarded a US
patent in February 2000. It is US Patent # 6,022,479 –
“Method and Device for Producing Activated Liquids and
Method of Use Thereof ”. 

There are lots of types of purifiedwaters such as
spring, distilled, colloidal,and nanoclustered waters.
But no process has previously been knownwhich can
alter the molecular structureof water without any
foreign substancesbeing introduced into the water.
Myinvention relies on the idea that
electromagneticradiation can effect the atomicand
molecular structures of substances. This fact was
proved by specific class of experiments involving
Rydberg atoms—atoms with an electron in a highly
extended orbital (“Rydberg Atoms—Giants of the Atomic
World” by F. Barry Dunning in Science Spectra issue 3,
pp. 34-38, 1995). 

The effect an electromagnetic force has on an atom
depends on the atom’s electronic structure during the
interaction. One could imagine that the application of
the appropriate time-dependent force to an atom could
alter its electronic structure in a specific way,
thereby controlling its response to subsequent
radiative or collisional processes. Furthermore, the
specificity of certain reactions of electronic
structure might be exploited to reconstruct the motion
of the atomic electron cloud. The key to the
manipulation of electronic structure in atoms is the
generation of electromagnetic fields or radiation that
will push and pull the electronic wave function in a
controlled and reproducible way. (“Modifying Atomic
Architecture” by Robert R. Jones in Science Spectra
Issue 22, pp. 52-59, 2000). 

The water molecule has a polar triangle structure with
covalent bonding of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen
atom. There is a measured 104.5 angle between these
bonds. Water is one of the most polar molecules known
in nature. The polarity of water underlines its
chemistry and thus the chemistry of life. Polar
molecules interact with one another through
attraction. This weak attraction is called a hydrogen
bond. In regular water polar molecules form
short-range, unstable associations of different
crystal shapes. In this way, water is able to form
liquid crystal associations that have only 5 to 10% of
the strength of covalent bonds. According to my
hypothesis, the process of water activation induces
the formation of longrange water molecular domains
similar to water molecular structures found in living

The water-activating device used in Molecular
Resonance Effect Technology is made of a polar polymer
compound with long linear molecular structure
(nM-----Mn, where n>38) mixed with certain amounts of
pharmacologically active organic and inorganic
substances. Most polar polymers possess comparatively
high values of relative permitivity (dielectric
constant). This means that external electromagnetic
forces can easily displace both bonding and
non-bonding electrons in the molecular structure of
these polymers. 
In the activating process, the polymer compound is
placed in an external electromagnetic field with
specific MRET power and frequency. The field consists
of subtle, low frequencies similar to healthy
geomagnetic frequencies found in specific areas on
Earth (for example some areas in the Caucasian
Mountains in Europe or the Tibetan Mountains in Asia).
The naturally occurring water in these areas has been
proved through hundreds of generations to enhance
health, support rejuvenation and longevity, and help
eliminate heavy metals and other toxins and allergens
from living organisms. 

The applied electromagnetic field excites the
molecular structure of the polymer-activating
compound. This, in turn amplifies the Corona Discharge
Effect, which is the physical process of cold emission
of electrons. The result of this amplification is an
emission of subtle low frequency electromagnetic
oscillations originated by the polymer itself. During
the MRET process, the water being activated is
affected by defined patterns of specific, beneficial,
low frequency electromagnetic oscillations emitted by
the activating device. I believe that the process of
activation alters the configuration of the water
molecules and strengthens the hydrogen- bonding
patterns. As a result, the water molecular
organization state is changed, resulting in the
formation of long-range water molecular domains. 

Both Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and High-Voltage
Photography tests have confirmed changes in the
molecular structure of the water molecules of
Activated Water. Dr. Lin Chiang conducted the NMR test
at NuMega Resonance Laboratory. The test showed a
consistent 2.5 times increase in the width of the
proton pick in the line of NMR absorption for all
types of Activated Water (Fig. 1). According to
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Theory there is a
synonymous correlation between the form of the line of
NMR absorption in the homogeneous magnetic field and
the characteristics of molecular motions and
dispersion in the liquids being tested. Thus, the
increase of proton pick width and proton dispersion
could occur only as a result of alteration in the
shape and organization of water molecules in Activated

High-Voltage photographs showed that Activated Water
demonstrated an enhanced amount of the Corona
Discharge Effect – luminous fringes that appear around
electrically conductive samples of water (Fig. 2). The
physical process of cold emission of electrons
produces the Corona Discharge phenomenon. Thus, the
emission of electrons in Activated Water is more
intensive. It is reasonable to assume that proton
activity in all types of Activated Water is also
increased. No foreign substances were introduced to
the water during the activation process. Therefore,
the enhanced Corona Discharge Effect could occur only
as a result of structural changes in Activated Water. 
The benefits of Activated Water have been confirmed by
extensive experimental work. Tests on Activated Water
show the effect of balancing the pH and decreasing the
hardness of water (Fig. 3), increasing electrical
conductivity and turbidity (Fig. 4), significant
reduction of bacterial counts (Fig. 5). These results
may be in part because free radicals, such as H+, OH-,
Ca2+ and Mg2+, will bond with long-range Activated
Water structures that contain stronger hydrogen bonds,
rather than short-range structures in regular water. 

Lori Motil, RM and CLS conducted these tests at CAI
Environmental Laboratory: 

The 15 minutes activation of alkaline water sample
changed pH from 7.69 to 7.48, which means the 30%
reduction of alkalinity (the pH index difference from
pH0=7.0). The 30 minutes activation showed the 62%
reduction of alkalinity; pH changed from 7.65 to 7.25.
The 30 minutes activation of acid water sample changed
pH from 6.73 to 6.89 that means the 60% reduction of
acidity. It is significant that these tests showed the
tendency of activation process to balance the pH index
to pH0=7.0, reducing both acidity and alkalinity. It
may happen because the free radicals of H+ and OH- in
Activated Water are bonding with long-range water
structures that have stronger hydrogen bonds than
short-range structures in regular water. 
In the water activated for 30 minutes the amount of
Calcium decreased by 72%, Magnesium decreased by 18%.
As a result the hardness of the water (combined amount
of Calcium and Magnesium) decreased by 45%. Thus this
test showed significant decline of free radicals in
Activated Water. It may happen because the free
radicals of Ca2+ and Mg2+ are bonding with long-range
Activated Water structures that have stronger hydrogen
Conductivity of water increased by 3% and turbidity by
18% within 30 minutes of activation. These results
confirm the idea that the process of activation
creates long-range molecular structures in water. The
free radicals are bonding with Activated Water
molecular structures and form sediment that increases
turbidity of water. 
The microbiology test showed the 86% decrease of total
and fecal coliforms in the rainwater activated for 30
minutes. The heterotrophic plate count test showed the
44% decrease of bacterial colonies in the lake water
activated for 15 minutes. Thus the suppression of
harmful microorganisms by Activated Water was
confirmed. These tests proved the sterilization effect
of the process of water activation. 
Tests on the biological effects of Activated Water
showed in vitro suppression of cancer cells (Fig. 6),
significant enhancement of White Blood Cells Counts
during chemotherapy (Fig. 7), accelerated plant growth
(Fig. 8), and immediate improvement in cellular
conductivity, resistance and capacitance in human

Dr. John Stelle conducted in vitro tests on Lymphoma
cells at the Laboratory of Engene Biotechnologies Inc.
The mutated cells were incubated with Activated Water
and with herbal supplement Herbalix, based on
Activated Water, for 24 hours. These tests
consistently showed that Activated Water suppressed
the metabolism of 33% of human cancer cells (BUC), 50%
of dog cancer cells (Lymphoma 1308), and 10% of cat
cancer cells (FL74). Herbalix suppressed the
metabolism of 45% of human cancer cells, 30% of dog
cancer cells and 50% of cat cancer cells. The results
on human and dog cancer cells were statistically valid
with p>0.99. The survival level of cancer cells in
control groups remained 100%. Tests also showed that
Activated Water is nontoxic. This fact creates a lot
of advantages comparing to chemotherapy agents that
fight cancer cells but at the same time suppress
metabolism of normal cells. A general consensus is
that the survival level of tumor and normal cells
incubated with chemotherapeutic agents is less than

Extremely valuable is the rebounding effect of
Activated Water and Herbalix on the White Blood Cells
Counts (WBCC) during chemotherapy. The research was
based on the results of blood tests of the volunteer,
a patient of Cedar- Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center
in Los Angeles with metastasized naso-pharyngeal
cancer. He was taking Activated Water and Herbalix
while going through his regular chemotherapy
treatments (Taxotere chemotherapy) in September of
1998, October of 1998, March of 1999 and April of 1999
respectively. On the sixth-seventh day after
chemotherapy the WBCC usually decrease from the normal
range of 4.00- 10.81000/U to the extremely low range
of 0.1-0.21000/U (2%-3% of their pre-chemotherapy
level). The rebounding period takes about six to eight
weeks. The ingestion of Activated Water and Herbalix
prevented the decrease of WBCC to their lowest levels
and helped them to regain the pre-chemotherapy level
in unusually short period of time. In this particular
case WBCC dropped to the level of 0.5-0.61000/U (5%-
9% of their pre-chemotherapy level) and rebounded to
the normal level in two-three days. The results were
statistically valid with p>0.95. Thus, the ingestion
of Activated Water and Herbalix compensates one of the
major side effects of chemotherapy treatment —the
dramatic long-term decrease of WBCC, as well as
general weakness, headache, nausea, etc. 
Another test was conducted on plants. This test was
designed to compare the 15 days growth cycle of two
groups of soybeans (20 beans in each group) irrigated
with Activated and regular water from the same source.
By the end of this test the group of beans irrigated
with Activated Water had 13 sprouts with the average
length of 9”. The control group of beans irrigated
with regular water had only 7 sprouts with the average
length of 4”. This test clearly confirmed the fact of
significant enhancement and acceleration of growth of
plants irrigated with Activated Water. 
Mr. Robert Fogli has tested the effects of Activated
Water on human subjects in Healthway Inc. with a help
of FDA approved Bioelectrical Impedance
instrumentation. This device measures the changes in
cellular conductivity, resistance, and capacitance.
These tests showed that Activated Water creates an
immediate improvement in cells functions. For example,
the consumption of only 6 ounces of Activated Water
within 20 minutes showed that water was moving from
outside the cells to inside, that capacitance (cell
energy storage) enhanced dramatically, and that water
outside the cells was leaving the body. It proved that
edema (water retention) was reduced and cells
functions improved within only 20 minutes. 
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology affects liquid
substances other than water in a similar way, by
changing their molecular organization. For example,
polyurethane polymerized with the help of MRET
dramatically changed its physical properties and
became a porous, high-surface- area material, which
was more flexible than the original polyurethane. Also
tests on cement made with Activated Water showed
changes in compressive strength and total load

Electromagnetism in Biological Systems 
It is a scientifically based fact that water plays the
most important role in the vital activity of living
systems, since they contain about ten thousand
molecules of water per one molecule of protein. The
human body, for example, is up to 75% water. Water
molecules participate in cell communications and in
principal metabolic functions. The basic idea of
Molecular Resonance Effect Theory is the direct
transmission of prerecorded molecular activity signals
to biological systems with the help of Activated
Water. These messages are imprinted in water during
the process of activation. 

The latest physical and biological concepts support
the theory of cell communication through the
transmission of electromagnetic signals (discovered by
Russian scientist Alexander Gurvich in 1920’s and
scientifically proved by two American scientists
Gilman and Rodbell. They were awarded a Noble Prize
for this research in 1994). Molecular signals are
composed of low frequency waves (less than 20kHz
according to the experimental work of Dr. J.
Benveniste, France) that induce cellular function and
interaction. Living cells can resonate only with low
frequency electromagnetic oscillations, since for
millions of years of evolution they developed their
normal metabolism being exposed to natural Earth
geomagnetic field characterized with the spectrum of
low frequency oscillations in the range of 0.5-15Hz.
Living cells resonate in the range of 0.3-13Hz, and
human brain function waves (Delta, Theta, Alfa) are in
the range of 0.3-30Hz. 

During the process of activation water is affected by
defined patterns of low frequency electromagnetic
oscillations. They are generated by polar polymer
compound in the range of healthy geomagnetic
frequencies found in specific areas on Earth. The
oscillations generated by specifically designed polar
polymer compounds modify molecular structures in water
and make Activated Water very beneficial for living
cells. This concept is based on the possibility of the
existence of resonance phenomenon between polar
polymers and biopolymers such as proteins, nucleic
acids, lipids, etc. The resonance effect between polar
and biopolymers rely on the similarity of their long
linear molecular structures and elements content. The
lengths of polar polymers and biopolymers molecular
structures are around 0.3-3.0 angstroms. Biopolymers
as well as polar polymers are composed of such
elements as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,
phosphorus, etc. 

Quantum electrodynamics calls for the existence of
long-range electromagnetic fields that can be
transmitted by large coherent domains existing in
water (E. Del Giudice and E. Preparata, Journal of
Biological Physics, vol. 20, p. 105, 1994). These
long-range electromagnetic fields may transmit
electromagnetic signals from molecules, thus
generating specific attraction between molecules with
matching spectra, excluding non-resonating, unwanted
random events. Thus, specific low frequency patterns
generated by defined polar polymer compounds can be
transmitted to living systems with the help of
Activated Water. They can support and improve cellular
functions in the body. 

The effect of Activated Water on molecular complexes,
such as bacteria, viruses, and abnormal cells, can be
explained by the fundamental physical phenomenon of
electromagnetism, such as resonance, constructive and
destructive interference. When long-range
electromagnetic fields transmitted by the molecular
clusters of Activated Water interact with normal
cells, they create a resonance effect that enhances
the biochemical reactions in these cells. But when
Activated Water electromagnetic fields interact with
the abnormal fields generated by the DNA of mutated
cells, destructive interference is generated which
suppresses the biochemical reactions in these cells. 

Same mechanism can be adopted for other molecular
complexes such as viruses, bacteria, etc. 
The ongoing advances suggest radically new strategy to
counteract the diseases caused by fault signaling in
cells, such as cancer, cerebral palsy, diabetes,
hepatitis C, immune system disorders, bacterial and
viruses spread and reproduction. Microbiology tests,
Sensitivity of Tumor Cells to Activated Water tests,
Rebounding Effect of Activated Water on WBCC test,
Plant Growth test on Soybeans, and Bioelectrical
Impedance test evidently show that Activated Water
carries and transmits the life sustaining information
to cellular structures. 

The theory of structured or domain organization and
interaction of cellular water is a general consensus
in contemporary scientific world. In compliance with
his experimental work Dr. Ling suggested the pattern
of long-range water organization in cellular systems.
It includes complex multilayered water organization
and long-range hydrogen bonding. Dr. Drost-Hansen, Dr.
Watterson, Dr. Rorschach and Dr. Clegg confirmed that
cellular water is organized into interactive domains
and different liquid crystal associations traveling as
a stationary wave through the medium. Based on this
theory the phenomena of existence of cellular
resonance was predicted in 1980 by Dr. Frohlich and
confirmed later by Dr. Webb by means of laser
Living organisms can use in the cell building process
directly only properly molecular organized water that
is similar to structured water in biosystems.
Therefore, Activated Water may be easy absorbed by
living systems. As a result, this water facilitates,
accelerates, and enhances the process of cell
building. Bioelectrical Impedance and Plant Growth
tests confirm this fact. Other forms of water, such as
water with unbounded molecules or various types of
water with short-range flickering hydrogen bonds, are
not bioavailable to living systems. Living organisms
have to metabolize (to structure) the water at great
physiological cost. 

The recent studies prove that the aging process and
the increase of fat content contribute to the decline
of water content in the body. The average 45 year-old
man has about 65%-70% of water in the body, but an
obese man of the same age will have only about 45%,
and the water content of the average man by age 70
decreases to 45%-50%. With a help of magnetic
resonance imaging instrumentation Japanese scientists
also found out that aging results not only in
dehydration, but that intercellular water undergoes
significant structural changes—the amount of biowater
bound to biological macromolecules increases and the
amount of “free” structured water decreases. As a
result the cells communication, nutrient delivery,
detoxification, oxygenation and other biological
functions based on the dynamic activities of biowater
decline with age. The process of transduction of
bioelectrical signals into biochemical reactions also
declines causing in its turn the break down of cells
repair and replication system and the metabolic
efficiency of the body. The hydration of the body
tissues with Activated Water helps to improve the
functions of cellular systems, to restore the
metabolic efficiency and to support the process of

At the conclusion, I would like to underline that
Activated Water has outstanding physiological and
physical properties. It is a result of changes in the
configuration of molecules, stronger hydrogen bonding
and longrange water molecular structures in Activated
Water. The living organisms don’t have to spend a lot
of energy to assimilate and metabolized this water.
Thus, all organs and tissues in the body receive the
plentiful supply of structured water that enhances and
stimulate their homeostasis. Various types of
Activated Water are transducting to the body
beneficial energy and information specified to
eliminate a number of problems and to improve the
health conditions. 

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Test 
Activated Water Regular Water  

Figure 1. The width of the proton pick in regular
water is 0.1ppm and in all three types of Activated
water it is 0.25ppm. It means a consistent 2.5 times
increase in the width of the proton pick in Activated
Water. The increase of proton pick width could occur
only as a result of alteration in the shape and
organization of water molecules in Activated Water.
The water sample was activated for 30 minutes. 

High-Voltage Photography Test 
Activated Water Regular Water  

Figure 2. Activated Water demonstrated an enhanced
amount of the Corona Discharge Effect - luminous
fringes that appear around electrically conductive
samples of water. The physical process of cold
emission of electrons produces the Corona Discharge
phenomenon. Thus, the emission of electrons in
Activated Water is more intensive. It could occur only
as a result of structural changes in Activated Water.
The water sample was activated for 30 minutes.

The pH Test 

Hardness (combined Ca and Mg) 

Figure 3. The pH test shows the tendency of Activated
water to balance pH index to pHo=7, reducing both
alkalinity and acidity. The hardness test shows
significant reduction of Ca and Mg in Activated water.
Thus these tests support the idea that free radicals
(H+, OH-, Ca2+ and Mg2+) bond with long-range
Activated Water molecular structures that contain
stronger hydrogen bonds, rather than short-range
structures in regular water. The water sample was
activated for 30 minutes. 



Figure 4. The process of activation increased
conductivity and turbidity of water. These results
confirm the idea that the process of activation
creates longrange molecular structures in water. The
increase of turbidity confirms the idea that free
radicals are bonding with long-range molecular
structures in Activated water and form sediment. The
water sample was activated for 30 minutes.

Microbiology Tests 


Figure 5. Test was conducted on samples of rainwater. 

The water sample was activated for 30 minutes. 

Test was conducted on samples of water from the lake. 

The water sample was activated for 15 minutes. 

The amount of total coliforms and bacterial colonies
significantly decreased after the process of water
activation. Both tests prove the sterilization effect
of the process of water activation. 

Sensitivity of Tumor Cells to Activated Water /
Rebounding Effect of Activated Water on White Blood
Cells Count 
Figure 6.

Figure 7.


Figures 6. and 7. 
Sensitivity of tumor cells to Activatedwater was
determined by in vitro sensitivityassay. Tumor cells
were incubatedwith Activated water for 24 hours at
concentrationranging 1:10. 

Activated water inhibited tumor cell growth relative
to untreated control wells. 

The results on human and dog cells are statistically
valid with p=0.99. 

This test was conducted on a patient undergoing
chemotherapy treatment. WBCC usually decrease to 2%-3%
of their pre-chemotherapy level. Activated water
ingestion prevented the decrease of WBCC to the lowest
level and caused rebound to pre-chemotherapy level in
2- 3 days (compared to 6-7 weeks usually). 

The results are statistically valid with p=0.95. 

The Plant Growth Test on Soybeans 
1st Day  
Regular Water Activated Water 


15th Day 
Regular Water Activated Water 

Figure 8. This test was designed to compare the 15
days growth cycle of two groups of soybeans (20 beans
in each group) irrigated with regular water and
Activated water from the same source. By the end of
this test the group of soybeans irrigated with
Activated water had 13 sprouts with the average length
of 9Ó. The control group of soybeans irrigated with
regular water had only 7 sprouts with the average
length of 4". This test has shown significant
enhancement and acceleration of growth of plants
irrigated with Activated water. 


This test was designed to compare the 15 days growth
cycle of two groups of soybeans (20 beans in each
group) irrigated with regular water and Activated
Water from the same source. By the end of this test
the group of soybeans irrigated with Activated Water
had 13 sprouts with the average length of 9”. The
control group of soybeans irrigated with regular water
had only 7 sprouts with the average length of 4”. This
test has shown significant enhancement and
acceleration of growth of plants irrigated with
Activated Water. It is a result of better absorption
of Activated Water by plants and the suppression of
the mold in Activated Water. 


The onion irrigated with Activated Water (on the
right) shows enhanced and accelerated growth of roots
and sprouts. It is a result of enhanced absorption of
Activated Water that improves biochemical reactions in
living systems.

(Tomato and Parsley)

The deprivation test was designed to compare the
results of irrigation of plants (Tomato and Parsley)
with regular tap water (control group) and Activated
tap water (testing group). The test was designed as
follows: plants were seeded indoors under room
temperature and irrigated for five weeks with regular
tap water and Activated tap water respectively. Then
the irrigation of plants in both groups was stopped
for one week. The photographs of both groups of plants
were made after one week of deprivation. They clearly
demonstrate that plants irrigated with Activated water
developed much better resistance to deprivation stress
than plants irrigated with regular water.

(MRET Activated milk is in the right glass)

This test confirms the suppression of bacterial and
mold grows. Activated milk did not start molding till
the 9th day of the test. By that time regular milk was
totally covered with mold and had strong rotten smell.

The activation induced the natural process of
fermentation. Activated milk turned into a cheese like
stage on the 4th day. In regular milk the process of
fermentation did not start at all.

The milk used for this test was regular supermarket
bought milk packed in cartons. This type of milk
usually can not ferment due to the presence of
preservatives and other shelf-life enhancing
ingredients. They make more difficult the processes of
fermentation and food assimilation, and as a result
slow down the metabolism and assimilation of nutrients
in the body. 

Images of the crystalline structures in frozen water

The crystalline structure of the frozen tap water
shows extensive fracturing and chaotic crystalline
formation. This is likely to the impurities and poor
organized molecular structures in the tap water which
interfere with crystallization process. Activated
water sample shows well organized crystalline
formations with a strong tendency of crystal axis to
be oriented in one direction. This is likely a result
of domain molecular structure of Activated water.


In this particular case, the blood sample of the
subject before Activated Water ingestion shows free
radical attack on cells. Note the “spiky” blood cells
that take almost 90% of specimen. 30 minutes later,
after Activated Water ingestion, the blood specimen
shows non free radical environment.

In this particular case, the blood sample of the
subject before Activated Water ingestion shows so
called Rouleau formation when blood cells are stacked,
forming a worm-like pattern. 30 minutes later, after
Activated Water ingestion, most of the worm-like
patterns broke up, forming individual patterns of
nicely round spheres.

Tap Water and MRET Water Comparisons
A test was conducted over a period of 39 days to
compare various plant growth using regular tap water
and MRET water. First several packages of six
different plants were selected. Seeds were planted
equally in peat moss starter cups. Water was drawn
from the tap and equally separated into two bottles.
One bottle of water was activated for 30 minutes with
the MRET activation unit. The peat moss starter pots
were saturated with water with one set with tap water
and the other with MRET water. It was apparent after
just the first few days that the root structure of the
MRET plant was significantly better than in the tap
water plants. 

Two planter pots with normal plant potting soil were
selected. Equal amounts of soil were placed in each
planter. The entire peat most starter pots were
transplanted into the regular planters on the fifth
day taking care not to damage any roots. For the
remainder of the first 32 days all plants received the
same measured amounts of tap and MRET water
respectively. You can see the comparisons from the
pictures (tap watered plants in the left picture and
MRET watered plants in the right picture).

After 32 days all watering was stopped for both sets
of plants for the next seven days. After day 39 all
plants were cut off at the surface and are compared in
the bottom set of pictures. As can be seen the MRET
watered plants grew about 50% larger during the same
period. Also the plants were weighed and the MRET
plants had 50% more mass.

These tests are easily conducted and have been done
many times in the past by others. The results are
always the same. MRET watered plants grow faster,
bigger, stronger and last longer in a harsh
depravation test indicating resilience.

30 days

Tap water Left - MRET water Right

Below are graphic comparisons of plants after 32 days
of watering and 7 days of water deprivation. All
plants were cut off at the surface. The tap water
results are on the top and the MRET water results are
on the bottom.

Cucumber - Corn - Pears

The below results are the weight of the above plants.
The MRET plants were crushed down to fit into the
scale. As you can see there is about a 50% increase
not only is size from above but also in weight as
evidenced below.

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