dear Pak Kartono,
  actually there're scientist, philosophers, mathematican, astronomers that 
could be associated with islam such as:
  1. al- farabi, ibn sina, al-kindi ( these three philosophers combined 
aristotelianism and neoplatonism with other ideas introduced to Islam) but 
sadly in their era, their teaching according to islam was heretic and they re 
considered as non-islamic philosophers.
  abt ibn sina: excelled in medicine but his contribution to science and 
philosophy is also greatly remembered. Muslims proudly call him the doctor of 
doctors and enjoy virtual pleasure, alleging him as a golden age of golden 
Islam. Despite taking the credit, Muslim countries never benefited from his 
works, however many hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and hotels of Islamic 
countries are named after him. Ironically, European universities added Ibn 
Sina’s medical and philosophical works to their curriculum but they remained 
unknown to the witch factories aka madrassas of the Muslim world. 

However, his freethinking mind did not accept the absurdities of Islam. He 
opined in his autobiography under the chapter of “THE AFTER LIFE”. – “ after 
life is a notion received from religious teaching; there is no way of 
establishing it’s truth save by way of religious dogma and acceptance of the 
prophet’s report as true; there refers to what will befall the body at the 
resurrection and those corporal delights or torments which are too well-known 
to require restating here.” 
  Even during his lifetime ibn sina (Avicenna) was suspected of infidelity to 
Islam; after his death accusations of heresy, free thought and atheism were 
repeatedly leveled against him.” 

  2. al razi ( abu bakr mohammed ibn zakariya ar- razi)
  another great physician wrote more than 200 books of 
  one half of them are about medicine and rest in physics, mathematics and 
astronomy. Like Ibn Sina, Ar-Razi’s works had set milestones in medical 
science. The most controversial book “On Prophecy” has not survived for an 
obvious reason. Most likely embarrassed Muslims could not swallow the contents 
that humiliated the prophet of Islam. Somehow, a part of his second book 
slipped through the hand of ignorant. Ar-Razi quipped -"These billy goats 
(Prophets) pretend to come with a message from God, all the while exhausting 
themselves in spouting their lies, and imposing on the masses blind obedience 
to the "words of the master." 

  3. abu 'l-ala ahmad b. abdallah al-ma'arri
  al ma'arri was also known as the eastern lucretius was famous for poetry and 
grammar, He was born in Syria but traveled many places until he became blind. 
He lived in Baghdad for only eighteen months but within this short time he made 
a name for himself as a poet. After returning from Baghdad , he lived in his 
hometown Marra for another fifty years. Because of his fame, students from 
distant places went to Al-Marri to learn from him. Like Ibn Sina, al-Marri did 
not believe in resurrection and strongly condemned religious beliefs. One of 
his poems says it all…. 

"Hanifs (Muslims) are stumbling, Christians all astray 
Jews wildered, Magians far on error's way. 
We mortals are composed of two great schools: 
Enlightened knaves else religious fools...'
  4. astronomer and and philosopher muslim born Omar khayam.
  Omar khayam was best known for his rubaiyats or poems but he was outstanding 
mathematican and astronomers, He also wrote a book of music, an un-Islamic act 
that may throw him in a burning hell. His calculation of 365.24219858156 days 
making a year is so close to accurate that modern scientists respectfully 
remember his name. Omar Khayyam also found a geometric solution of cubic 

Islam strictly prohibits Martini and bikini. According to Quran, Muslim women 
are not allowed to reveal their beauty and drinking wine gives you a one-way 
ticket to hell. But Omar Khayyam was an admirer of beauty and wine. 

“Drinking wine is my travail
Till my body is dead and stale
At my grave site all shall hail
Odor of wine shall prevail.” 

Another piece of gem…… 
“Heaven is incomplete without a heavenly romance
Let a glass of wine be my present circumstance
Take what is here now, let go of a promised chance
A drumbeat is best heard from a distance.” 

Sadly, Muslim intellectuals do not understand that those golden age of Islam 
did not care for the Quran neither they discovered anything out of that book. 
Even though they had the chance of discovering from relatively fresh Quran but 
they followed the trend of Pythagoras, Aristotle (384-322 BC), Euclid (325-265 
BC), Archimedes (287-212 BC), Ptolemy (85-165 AD). 
  Jabir Ibn Haiyan, born unknown and died in 803, probably saw the earliest 
Quran, served hot from the oven. Interestingly he called Socrates 'the father 
and mother of all philosophers' and considered him as the prototype of the real 
chemist instead of finding any chemical formula from the Quran. Pythagoras has 
often been mentioned in various works of those scholars but failed to discover 
the speed, velocity or acceleration of Mohammad’s unicorn, the mythical horse 
called Buraque. Bernard Lewis has rightly concluded in his book “What Went 
Wrong?- The Islamic Empire inherited "the knowledge and skills of the ancient 
Middle east, of Greece and of Persia, it added to them new and important 
innovations from outside, such as the manufacture of paper from China and 
decimal positional numbering from India.
  Liberal Abbasid Caliphates such as Harun-al-Rashid and Mamun sponsored those 
great scholars of the middle age. They were tolerant enough to allow 
Aristotelian logic, adopted as a framework upon which to build science and 
philosophy but contrary to Quranic teachings. Eventually, some Muslims 
understood the threat of real knowledge and how this movement was undermining 
Islam. At the end of 10th century, famous theologian and a perfect Muslim 
al-Ghazali brought back the origin of Islam, the real Islam that was practiced 
by the founder of the religion. In his book, “The destruction of philosophy” – 
al-Ghazali challenged the process of reasoning because it cannot prove the 
reality of Allah. Philosophical thoughts and scientific investigations were 
pushed aside and by the time of his death in 1111, the glorious days of 
medieval age became a story of the past. 
  Actually these great scholars flourished not because of Islam but they 
thrived because they abandoned Islam. When Muslim intellectuals desperately try 
to brand those great people with Islamic marker, it becomes obvious that they 
are suffering from inferiority complex and abusing those scholars in the name 
of Islam.
  Is it not ironic that those incredible achievements were made by all 
basically apostates in Islam.



Kartono Mohamad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:           Lha wong Hidayatullah kok 
didenger, Dit. Tapi apa yang ditulis di
Hidayatullah itu adalah sikap yang biasa terjadi ketika seseorang baru saja
bertemu dan hidup bersama dengan orang dari budaya lain. Ini salah satu
tahap awal dari bagian proses intercultural learning. Tahap itu bermula dari
rasa rendah diri terhadap budayanya sendiri lalu melakukan reaksi defensif
untuk membuktikan bahwa budayanya tidak lebih rendah dengan menunjukkan
sejarah lama tanpa ia sendiri mengetahui benar sejarah itu. Menyedihkan
memang kalau menganggap filsafah modern (barat) berkembang dari filsafah
Islam, lha wong filusuf Islam jaman dulu itu bermula dari belajar filsafah
Yunani kuno.
Tahap semacam ini sering dijumpai pada mereka yang sebenarnya belum dewasa
atau belum mempu berpikiran dewasa. Kalau dipelihara ia akan berubah menjadi
gangguan kejiwaan yang berupa paranoia. Akibatnya ia selalu curiga dan sibuk
memusuhi budaya lain tetapi tidak pernah berupaya membuktikan bahwa ia mampu
juga berdiri sama tinggi dengan budaya lain.
Tahap mereka itu memang baru sampai di situ.

-------Original Message-------

From: radityo djadjoeri
Date: 08/11/2007 17:24:54
Subject: [ppiindia] Re: [PKS] Mayoritas Penemuan Modern Ditemukan Ilmuwan

Ini satu contoh lagi, klaim konyol atas nama kecap no 1. Kenapa musti muslim
vs non muslim? Kenapa tidak misalnya menyebut bangsa saja? Misal penemunya
dari Indonesia, atau Korsel atau Iran, atau negeri mana kek.

Iwan Wibisana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mayoritas Penemuan Modern Ditemukan Ilmuwan Muslim Cetak 
halaman ini 
Kirim halaman ini melalui E-mail 

Kamis, 08 November 2007

/Penemuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi modern saat ini, sesungguhnya 
telah lama ditemukan kaum Muslim. Demikian ujar guru besar Columbia 

*/*Para ilmuwan Muslim sudah membuat banyak 
penemuan-penemuan dari usia yang ada, demikian ujar Prof. Dr. George 
Saliba, guru besar Universitas Arab dan Islam Universitas Columbia. 
Pernyataan Saliba ini disampaikan dalam sebuah seminar di Government 
College University (GCU), hari Senin kemarin.

Saliba hadir dalam seminar bertajuk, The /Problems of Historiography of 
Islamic Science/, yang diselenggarakan di Fazl-e-Hussain Hall. Saliba 
memberi suatu kritik dari buku klasik tentang kenaikan ilmu pengetahuan 

Ia memerinci permasalahan dalam banyak buku dan menjelaskan penulisan 
sejarah alternatif bahwa digambarkan jika perkembangan ilmiah Islam 
sebagai hasil interaksi sosial dan kondisi-kondisi politis di dalam 
kerajaan Islam.

Saliba mengatakan, filsafat Islam telah mendorong ilmu pengetahuan dan 
telah mendukung berbagai disiplin-disiplin ilmu. Termasuk 
tumbuh-tumbuhan, ilmu hewan, aljabar, trigonometri, ilmu fisika, ilmu 
kimia, ilmu perbintangan, ilmu fisika, ilmu kimia, ilmu faal dan 
matematika sebelum zaman industri.

Ia juga mengatakan, pecahan persepuluhan bukan suatu penemuan orang 
Barat dan bahwa itu ditemukan oleh seorang ilmuwan Muslim. Ia juga 
menambahkan, sistem biner, adalah juga ditemukan oleh seorang ilmuwan 

Dr. George Saliba, adalah Profesor Ilmu pengetahuan Islam-Arab. Selain 
itum ia juga duduk di Departemen dari Timur Tengah dan Bahasa-bahasa 
Asia, di Columbia University, New York, AS.

Sebelum Saliba, orientalis asal Skotlandia, William Montgomery Watt 
pernah secara jujur, bagaimana Barat sangat berhutang budi pada Islam, 
khususnya dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.

Montgomery yang pernah mendapatkan gelar "/Emiritus Professor/," gelar 
penghormatan tertinggi bagi seorang ilmuwan, sangat tekun melakukan 
penelitiannya tentang Islam. Khususnya sejarah perkembembangan 
pengetahuan di dunia Islam. Montgomery secara jujur mengakui, 
perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang kini berkembang pesat di Barat dan 
Eropa, sesungguhnya sebagian besar telah banyak ditemukan kaum Muslim 
sebelumnya. [/daily times//cha/ 

Iwan Wibisana
PT Indo Internet
Cyber Building 8th
Jl Kuningan Barat No 8
Jakarta 12710
Phone : 62-21-5210607
Fax : 62-21-5210912

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