dear all,

generally fundamentalist ppl avoid dialogue altogether. They believe that there 
is no need to prove their belief and that everyone must accept it readily once 
they are called to do so.   

Converting a fundamentalistic belief is very much an emotional rather than 
rational experience. Emotions act on the most primitive part of the brain. They 
are stronger and supersede the rational mind. As the result, it is not easy to 
reason with these type of ppl. They won’t leave their belief system through 
reason alone. Their strong emotion towards their belief shields them from 
reason altogether.

Their entire self esteem depends on how others perceive them and what they say 
about them. This is a key to understand their idiosyncrasy.  A narcissist 
depends on compliments because in them he/she finds his/her narcissistic 
supplies.  It is through the compliments of others that the narcissist finds 
his/she own validation and raison d'être.   

To a certain extent we all are narcissists. We want to be noticed. We seek 
attention. We want to matter. This craving is so strong that some even commit 
crime to elicit attention. Vandals destroy, so they can be noticed. Through 
vandalism they can see their handiwork and feel important. The same psychology 
is what motivates a serial arsonist or even a serial killer..  

For a narcissist, the most important thing is the image. fundamentalist Muslims 
depend on the image of Islam for their self esteem. Having lost their identity 
and being left with nothing but Islam, they feel respected when Islam is 
respected and insulted when Islam is insulted.

Shame is a painful experience. To avoid shame you have to hide the source of 
shame. This means you must protect the image. Your entire self esteem and self 
worth depends on that image. When you are shamed you become violence. Violence 
is one way we humans deal with shame.  

muslims, is most likely not a violent person. But given the chance to be 
fundamentalist they will do what they says they would. People of all faiths are 
offended when their religion is insulted, but only fundies Muslims are capable 
of completely losing their heads and becoming vicious murderers. Why? It is 
because fundies Muslims have lost their selfhood and Islam has become their 
only identity. Islam gives them self worth, a false sense of pride and 

Once Islam is criticized, they feel their vulnerability and are shamed. What 
can you say when people call your prophet a pedophile and you can't deny it. 
This caused intense shame and the only way to deal with this shame is to become 
violent.  The best way to describe their behavior is to say that they are 

Narcissism is fed through narcissistic supplies. Recognition and respect are 
narcissistic supplies. Feeding narcissism does not help the narcissist, It 
rather makes them worse. They become bullies, more arrogant and more demanding. 
Narcissists cannot be helped through appeasement. In the words of Churchill, 
“An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last." 

fundies muslims can become violence if their religion is criticized. Savagery 
should not be tolerated. Those Muslims who choose to defend their religion with 
savagery should be locked up or kicked out. Dialogue should be welcomed, but 
there should be zero tolerance for violence.

If your ethos is shame based, all you care is to preserve your image. The 
opposite of shame is honor. You can do wrong but as long as no one sees it, 
your image is not tarnished and you can still be seen as an honorable person.  
In a shame based culture, wrong and right have no meaning.  It is all about 
shame and honor.  If the stain of shame is removed, even if it means the murder 
of your own daughter, honor is restored.  These are two very different 
worldviews. Unless we understand them we will not be able to make sense of 
Muslims and their minds.   

fundamentalism islam is a fear based philosophy that has taken root in a shame 
based milieu. This is a very dangerous combination. When you combine fear and 
shame moral codes, you give birth to the most insidious ethos imaginable. That 
is fundamentalism Islam. fundamentalism Islam is an illogical doctrine that is 
based on fear and is defended through honor. This makes fundies Islam more 
dangerous than Nazism. Muslims are not concerned about the irrationality of 
their belief or about good or evil. They are mostly concerned about losing face 
and upholding the image of Islam.  

One fact we must all agree on is that brute force is stronger than civility. If 
you and I confront each other and I use violence against you while you try to 
reason with me, I will win and you will lose.

Ordinary people are not militant. They subscribe to the philosophy of live and 
let live. This is a commendable trait in a civilized world. However, where the 
law of juggle applies, the most ferocious and the most cunning beast is always 
the winner. A pack of hyenas can raid a large herd of wildebeests or gazelles; 
kill as many of them as they want and they are always victorious. The hyenas 
and other carnivores always win, because herbivores are not violent. Brute 
force wins. Good and evil are human concepts. In nature force is what matters. 
This is a principle. Because fundamentalist Muslims are militant, and the rest 
of mankind is not; because they are violent and the others are not, Muslims 
always win.

If we choose the path of sanity, This means openly criticizing it, the way we 
do with Christianity or other religions. Christianity has not been spared from 
criticism. There has been nothing against Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism 
that could have been said and it hasn't. Why Islam should be spared from 
criticism?  If there is any truth to Islam, let its apologists defend it.  If 
it cannot be defended logically then it is a lie. Why should we bow to a lie 
when it is responsible for countless deaths and so much bloodshed?
The weakness of fundamentalist Muslims is Islam. They cling to it for their 
identity and pride. They want you to respect Islam and with that feed their 
narcissistic craving. When you see millions of Muslims go berserk over a few 
cartoons, you know that you have touched a very sensitive cord. Islam’s grip on 
fundies Muslims is not logical but psychological. 

Fundamentalist Muslims are not afraid of fighting. They are not afraid of 
killing or dying. They are afraid of ridicule. That is their weak spot.

these fundamentalist Muslims have resumed their iihad against humanity. Each 
side has its weakness. The weakness of non-Muslims, particularly the 
Westerners, is their guilt. Muslims abuse the non-Muslims in their countries 
and violate their every human right, but when they come to the West they 
demand, not just equal, but preferential treatment. Not only they do not abide 
by our rules, they make us abide by theirs. Most of the meet served in fast 
food restaurants, and schools in Europe is halal. Why? It’s because the 
non-Muslims don’t care. The Westerners feel obliged to comply because they are 
bond by their guilt. Here is where Muslims have their enemies by their collars. 
They know our weakness and our legal system and they take full advantage of 
that to strengthen their position.

The vulnerability of fundamentalist Muslims is shame. Having lost their 
identity, Muslims seek their selfhood and pride in their religion. Criticizing 
Islam for Muslims is the most devastating experience. For them, if someone 
questioned and ridiculed islam is traumatic.  

fundamentalist Muslims are afraid of dialogue. When they talk about “dialogue 
between civilizations” they actually mean monologue. They want you to listen to 
their story, but they are not willing to listen to yours, much less to tolerate 
your probing questions. They demonstrated their intolerance for dialogue . They 
avoid situations where Islam can be seriously examined. 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 7:51:45 PM
Subject: [ppiindia] Re: Kelompok minoritas muslim mengalami diskriminasi (saya 
juga sangat sedih)

Amiinn ya Allah. Memang bener Mas, mereka itu sekutu Iblis laknatullah, yang 
melihat kuman disebrang lautan, tapi gajah dipelupukk matanya mbah dono cs tdk 

Merasa sudah berhasil dengan ajaran "kasihannya" kacian beneran deh. Ternyata 
nafsu dengki dan kebenciannya menguap juga kepermukaan.

kepada Muslimin/mah ingatlah :

"bertakwalah kepada Allah dan janganlah kamu menuruti (keinginan) orang-orang 
kafir dan orang-orang munafik. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui lagi 
Maha Bijaksana, dan ikutilah apa yang diwahyukan Tuhanmu kepadamu. Sesungguhnya 
Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan, dan bertawakkallah kepada 
Allah. Dan cukuplah Allah sebagai Pemelihara." (QS 33:1-3)



hakim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank's atas infonya.
Kita hanya bisa berdoa dan berharap semoga ALLAH SWT mengabulkan harapan dan doa
saudara-saudara kita di Filipina khususnya dan negara lain pada umumnya. Semoga 
ALLAH SWT senantiasa melindungi dan merahmati kaum muslimin dan mukminin di 

Satu hal yang patut dicatat adalah ketika non muslim menjadi minoritas, mereka 
menunjukkan dan menampilkan "cinta kasih". Namun, ketika mereka mayoritas, akan
jelas terlihat bahwa mereka adalah sekutu iblis laknatullah (al:diskriminasi, 
stigma teroris, 
menghalangi pendirian masjid, etnis cleansing dsb).

Salam keprihatinan

M. Hakim

----- Original Message ----- 
From: sFe 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] .com ; debat_agama_ [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] ; al-ukhuwah-islamiya [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com ; rm_danardono@ ; mnabdurrahman@ 
id ; abu.zubair1973@ ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
com ; thecaesar_tingtong@ ; bening_hatisuci@ ; [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] com ; ndhutabarat@ ; hakim ; bambang.arum@ snsgroup. 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 11:23 PM
Subject: Kelompok minoritas muslim mengalami diskriminasi (saya juga sangat 

Muslim Filipina Berharap Undang-Undang Anti-Diskriminasi Segera Disahkan 
Selasa, 27 Nov 07 15:54 WIB

Warga Muslim Filipina kini sedang berharap-harap cemas, akankah wakil rakyat di 
negeri itu mau mengesahkan undang-undang anti-diskriminasi. Karena keberadaan 
undang-undang ini secara tidak langsung akan berpengaruh bagi kehidupan mereka 
sebagai warga minoritas di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Katolik 

Seorang pedagang di Manila, Abdulsali Daud berharap anggota legislatif 
mengesahkan draft undang-undang itu menjadi undang-undang. "Undang-undang itu 
akan sangat membantu kami, " ujarnya.

Undang-undang anti-diskriminasi mengatur bahwa diskriminasi terhadap warga 
Muslim, kelompok etnis minoritas dan suku-suku tertentu, merupakan tindakan 
kriminal. Institusi apapun, seperti restoran, pusat berbelanjaan, sekolah, 
perusahaan maupun media massa yang melakukan diskriminasi akan dikenai sanksi 
hukuman mulai dari denda, hukuman penjara sampai pencabutan izin usaha.

Warga Muslim asal Moro, Sakib Maturan memiliki harapan yang sama dengan 
Abdulsali. "Tapi semua itu sangat tergantung pada perdebatan panjang dan tarik 
ulur di kongres kita, seperti yang terjadi pada undang-undang lainnya, " kata 
Maturan yang menjadi pedagang VCD di kota Manila.
"Sekarang, saya hanya berharap mereka memberikan perhatian pada undang-undang 
ini, " sambungnya.

Sebelumnya, Kongres Filipina sudah sering menerima pengajuan draft 
undang-undang anti-diskriminasi, namun tidak pernah mendapatkan pengesahan di 
tingkat komite.

Warga Muslim di Filipina, selama ini kerap menjadi korban diskriminasi dan 
selalu diidentikkan dengan teroris. "Kami dipandang sebelah mata. Kami disebut 
'teroris', 'tukang meledakkan bom', 'pembunuh' dengan begitu mudahnya hanya 
karena kami Muslim, " kata Abdulsali.

Warga Muslim, tambahnya, banyak yang sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan hanya karena 
latar belakang agama mereka, meskipun mereka memenuhi persyaratan untuk 
mendapatkan pekerjaan itu.

Seorang politisi dan pengacara terkenal di Filipina Adel Abbas Tamamo mengecam, 
situasi yang dinilainya "sangat buruk dan sudah menjadi realita sehari-hari di 
Filipina. " (ln/iol).
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