Saudi-Iranian frictions at graves revered by Shiites

Published Date: January 05, 2010 

MADINAH: At the cemetery where Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) family is buried, an 
Iranian Shiite pilgrim overcome with emotion was jerked by a Saudi soldier, who 
barked a sharp order: "Stop crying!" The soldier, a gun at his hip, then 
hovered over the pilgrim as he wrapped up his prayers to make sure he didn't 
start weeping again.

The Baqee cemetery is where the bitter rivalry between Sunni powerhouse Saudi 
Arabia and Shiite Iran gets personal. Iranians and other Shiites flock to the 
graves to pay respects to several revered descendants of Islam's prophet, while 
Saudi soldiers and morality police try to prevent dramatic displays of fervent 
praying or weeping. Shiites' prayer books are snatched away, they are ordered 
to read only Saudi-approved verses written on billboards at the site, and 
groups of worshippers are broken up.

Part of the reason for the heavy restrictions is religious. Saudi Arabia's 
strict version of Sunni Islam, called Wahhabism, considers customs like crying 
- or even praying - at gravesites and revering saints repugnant because it 
smacks of idolatry. In fact, many Wahhabi clerics consider Shiites heretics.

But beyond the religious practices lies politics. The two countries have been 
locked in a struggle for influence across the Middle East. Saudi forces have 
been fighting for more than a month with Shiite rebels on the border with Yemen 
who it claims are backed by Tehran. The kingdom accuses Iran of fueling 
conflicts in Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and Iraq with its support for 
militant groups.

Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich US ally, also appears increasingly worried over 
Iran's nuclear standoff with the West. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud 
Al-Faisal expressed rare direct concern over Iran's nuclear program in a recent 
interview with Western media - prompting angry comments by some Iranian 
officials for the kingdom to stay out of its business.

Mahdi Habibolahi, an Iranian who visited the Baqee after performing his hajj 
pilgrimage last month, sees a message in the harassment he and fellow Shiites 
face. "Maybe they want to give us a warning, that you are different you should 
be careful, you shouldn't interfere (in the region's politics)," said 
Habibolahi, an English teacher.

The Baqee is on a large piece of land in front of the mosque that encloses the 
Prophet's tomb in the holy city of Medina. Locked behind high marble walls and 
iron gates in the Baqee lie thousands of relatives, companions and descendants 
of the Prophet (PBUH) - including four "imams", the saint-like figures that 
Shiites believe should have been the successors of Muhammad (PBUH) as leaders 
of the Islamic world. The presence of the imams draws Shiites from around the 
world throughout the year, but particular
ly in the days after hajj. Iranian pilgrims organize an annual large prayer 
ceremony at the site.

Sunnis consider those buried in the Baqee respected figures, but don't 
recognize the imams' authority. Elaborate prayers and weeping at gravesites are 
not as common a practice among most Sunnis. For Wahhabis, it is an anathema - a 
suggestion that some earthly figure, even one close to Muhammad (PBUH), could 
be the object of veneration. Once the burial sites at the Baqee were marked 
with mausoleums and elaborate gravestones. But those were demolished in the 
early 20th century by Wahhabis. Today the cemete
ry is a bare stretch of dirt and sand, with graves' locations designated only 
by raw, unengraved rocks or raised piles of earth - the way cemeteries are 
throughout Saudi Arabia.

Zeenat Bu Ali, a Quran teacher from Iran in Saudi Arabia for her first 
pilgrimage, said she was moved to tears when she saw the Baqee's sparseness. "I 
see the green dome on top of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) tomb and I expect 
the same thing for our imams," she said. "Why does it have to be so dark?

Bu Ali was only able to see the cemetery through the honeycomb of a metal 
fence. Women are prohibited from entering the Baqee, because Wahhabis deem them 
too "emotional" and more likely to cause a scene. Dozens of women hang on the 
gates begging the soldiers for a glimpse of the gravesite. Saudi security 
grudgingly allows men to enter the site, but only during a short period each 
day, and it closely monitors those who enter to ensure they don't go beyond 
simple, quick prayers.

Saudi guards "complain about everything", Habibolahi said. "If someone wants to 
pray loudly, they say 'lower your voice.' They say, 'don't face this way, you 
should face that way'. They are so concerned about all details, and 
unfortunately they are not very polite." The soldiers break up small groups 
praying together and try to engage the Shiites in theological debates. All 
Shiites are restricted. Members of Saudi Arabia's Shiite minority scuffled with 
security forces there early in the year. But with the
Iranians, it takes on distinctly political overtones.

Saudis "think that Shiites are kaffir (infidels) and should be killed and 
removed from the world," said Ahmed Menai, an Iranian cleric who guides groups 
of his countrymen on pilgrimages. So Iran's "going towards knowledge or having 
nuclear technology or power is very harmful for them," he said in English then 
added, referring to Israel's suspected nuclear arsenal: "They tolerate this for 
Zionism, but they can't tolerate this for Shiite people. They think that we are 
their enemy, but we are not their enemy. Menai sees the hand of the US behind 
the Saudi-Iran rivalry, saying Wahhabis' hatred for Shiites helps the Americans 
rally Sunni nations against Iran's growing influence.

The United States saw this as a good way to make a disparity between Muslim 
people," he said. At the same time, Iran does see political opportunities in 
the religious rites of the pilgrimage, which is supposed to be a time of Muslim 
unity. Protests are held annually at the Iranian camps at hajj posting 
political signs and chanting anti-US slogans. Before this year's hajj, Iran's 
supreme leader urged Iranian pilgrims to acquaint others with the "Islam of the 
Islamic Republic of Iran." Saudi officials replied that countries should not 
try to "politicize" the hajj. Iranian protests during the hajj turned into 
clashes with Saudi security in 1987 that killed several hundred people. - AP 

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