Tuesday, 02 February 2010  -  17 Safar 1431 H

Female bomber kills 54 in Baghdad 

BAGHDAD - A female suicide bomber attacked a column of Shiites on their way on 
foot to a shrine city in central Iraq Monday, killing 54 people, including 
women and children, officials said. At least 122 people were wounded in the 
attack that took place at a female search point at a rest station where the 
pilgrims had stopped as they made their long journey to Karbala.

"At 11.45 A.M. (0845 GMT), a woman wearing an explosives-filled belt blew 
herself up in the middle of a crowd of people going to Karbala," said Maj. Gen. 
Qassim Atta, spokesman for Baghdad operational command.

An Interior Ministry official gave the toll and said the wounded were being 
treated at five hospitals in Baghdad. A medical official said initial reports 
indicated that five women and six children were among the dead. "We were 
serving the people when the attack happened inside a search tent for women," 
said Allawi Hassan, who was being treated at Kindi hospital in the capital. 

"The moment the explosion happened I felt as if I was flying through the air. I 
saw men, women and children wounded before I fainted. I then found myself in 
hospital," added Hassan, whose legs were hit by shrapnels. Iraqi politicians 
and US forces have warned of rising violence ahead of a general election on 
March 7, the second parliamentary ballot since the 2003 US-led invasion ousted 
Saddam Hussein but ushered in a deadly and long-lasting insurgency.

Figures compiled by the health, interior and defense ministries and released 
late Sunday showed that a total of 196 Iraqis were killed in violence in 
January, a slight rise on the toll for the same month in 2009.  The figures 
showed that 135 civilians, 41 police and 20 soldiers died, five more than the 
191 Iraqis killed in January of last year. - AFP 

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