A Talk with Somalia's Information Minister

By Sawsan Abu-Husain

Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat-Somali Information Minister Tahir Mahmud Gelle has 
exposed the dangers that Al-Qaeda's presence poses to Somalia and Yemen as a 
prelude to future meddling in other countries by fomenting sedition and wars 
and planting instability and insecurity. He called for Arab, African, and 
international support to contain terrorism and build the Somali state. In an 
interview with the Asharq Al-Awsat on the sidelines of his participation of the 
Arab information ministers meeting in Cairo, Gelle denied reports that the 
Al-Shabab Movement was in control of the capital, Mogadishu. He added, however, 
that this movement was present in other areas and controlled some of the 
resources of the state. Gelle accused Eritrea of continuing to arm, train, and 
finance the armed groups in Somalia. The Somali minister affirmed that his 
country was coordinating with Yemen regarding the displaced Somalis in Yemen. 
He also affirmed that the two countries were coordinating on the threats being 
made by the Al-Shabab Mujahidin Movement to send armed men to Yemen to fight 
alongside Al-Qaeda against the Yemeni authorities. 

Following is the text of the interview: 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Who is behind the ongoing war in Somalia and the violation of 
the national reconciliation agreements? 

[Gelle] The Somali problem changes from stage to stage. In the past, the 
warlords were the cause as well as the forces that did not believe that the 
reconciliation agreement served their special agenda. All these stages were 
reinforced by one factor; namely, the collapse of the state institutions. We 
need to exert gigantic efforts to build the state and strengthen its control. 
We also have to admit that the agendas of the warlords that prevailed in the 
past have disappeared completely. At this stage, however, the Djibouti 
conference helped in bolstering stability to a large degree, leading to the 
formation of a national unity government. The situation is now different as we 
are part of a world agenda now. The new fact that we now share with many 
international parties is the issue of world jihad or Al-Qaeda organization that 
is fighting against everyone. It is perhaps ironic that the region that is 
targeted before anything else is the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen is being used 
as the gateway. Of course, we do not approve any of this. We have rejected and 
condemned it in the past. We are cooperating with the countries concerned, 
particularly Yemen, our brethren in the Arabian Peninsula, and other countries. 
We are now suffering from the same problem that many other countries are 
suffering regardless of whether they are waging a battle against Al-Qaeda at 
present or will do so in the future. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are the reports that Somalis have joined the fight alongside 
the Huthists in Yemen true? 

[Gelle] I am talking about facts and confessions. We are confronting the 
biggest problem the Somali government is facing and that is undermining its 
efforts up to this very moment. This is the Al-Shabab Movement that is known to 
be associated with the foreign quarters. This movement is claiming day and 
night that world jihad is not targeting Somalia alone, but that Somalia is also 
the springboard. The goal of the Al-Shabab Movement is to foment jihad in 
Yemen. They said that we were telling Yemen that we were coming and would 
cooperate with mujahidin in Yemen as a prelude to the liberation of the Arabian 
Peninsula. What I am saying is that the Al-Shabab Movement in Somalia admitted 
exchanging forces with the fighters in Yemen. This is the most dangerous part 
of the issue. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Who finances and supports the Al-Shabab Movement in Somalia? 

[Gelle] The Al-Shabab Movement is a network of fighting bands inside the Arab 
and Muslim countries. It continues to proclaim its allegiance to Al-Qaeda. 
There are tapes that say "We are at your disposal, O Osama," meaning Osama Bin 
Laden is the leader of Al-Qaeda organization. As for financing sources, they 
currently control some ports inside Somalia and some airports. They levy taxes 
that they call zakat. They also force merchants to pay protection money. 
However, I can affirm that the battles that the movement is waging inside 
Somalia cannot be financed only from inside the country in view of their size 
and quality. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Is there any coordination with the Yemeni Government on the 
large numbers of Somalis that have sought refuge in Yemen so that these 
refugees would not turn into fuel for Al-Qaeda or join its ranks, as has 
happened when Somalis were captured in battles fighting alongside the Huthists? 

[Gelle] Yemen is our close Arab neighbor. Yemen has embraced large numbers 
since the war and we are in constant touch with it. As for the participation on 
these in the fighting, we do not think so for a simple reason: Yemen has 
received them well, gave them education opportunities, and many other things. 
It did not set conditions or obstacles to welcome the displaced Somalis. Sanaa 
does not return anyone to Somalia who reaches the shores of Yemen. On our part, 
we have shown our concern for them so that they do not become a prey for 
Al-Qaeda or the Al-Shabab Movement inside Somalia that are trying to lure and 
recruit any citizen suffering from hard times due to the wars. No Somali has 
returned from Yemen to join the ranks of the Al-Shabab Movement fighters inside 
Somalia. This is a truthful testimony in favor of Yemen. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But these groups went to fight with the Huthists in Yemen. 

[Gelle] The problem of the Huthists is different from the sect of the Al-Shabab 
Movement in Somalia [sentence as published]. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you not think that they have agreed on an alleged common 
denominator, that is, the struggle against the United States and Israel? 

[Gelle] We as a government do not want any Somali citizen inside Yemen to be a 
source of concern for Yemeni security but a factor that complements Yemeni 
security, particularly since this country has been generous to the Somalis who 
sought shelter there. But the thinking of the Al-Shabab Movement is totally 
different from the thinking of any Somali citizen who is committed to the 
interests of his country. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Has Somalia begun joint coordination with Yemen to control 
the issue of refugees and displacement so that the base of Al-Qaeda would not 
expand inside Yemen and Somalia? 

[Gelle] Coordination is ongoing at all levels. President Ali Abdullah Saleh and 
President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed are in constant contact. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] The African Union has issued a decision imposing sanctions on 
Eritrea because of its intervention in Somali affairs. Has this decision helped 
in curtailing such intervention? 

[Gelle] Eritrea is the only country among the member states that does not 
recognize the provisional Somali Government, although all the countries in the 
world, including Arab, Islamic, and African countries, have done so. Our 
problem with Eritrea is not confined only to the issue of recognition of the 
Somali Government. Eritrea seeks to fight this government by supporting the 
armed groups, such as the Al-Shabab Movement and the Islamic Party, with arms, 
funds, and training. Nevertheless, we gave Eritrea a chance by accepting the 
mediation of some countries between us so that the Eritrean stand would be in 
harmony with the international stand. Eritrea, however, persisted in its stand 
and announced that it does not recognize the Somali Government and went on 
supporting the armed men to this date. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What does Eritrea gain from its negative intervention in 
Somalia? Is it a case of fighting Ethiopia in Somalia? 

[Gelle] Had we known what Eritrea wanted, we would have come to an 
understanding with it, but it is concealing something that it does not wish to 
divulge. It may be settling scores with Ethiopia on the land of Somalia. 
However, all problems can be resolved through understanding. The ideal approach 
is to have negotiations between Ethiopia and Eritrea regarding the relations 
between them and relations with Somalia. It is regrettable that Eritrea has 
been a source of worry in the region through its presence in Somalia, support 
for the armed movements, the wars with Ethiopia, the problems with Djibouti, 
and the past conflict with Yemen. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] The Arab League and the African Unity have issued resolutions 
calling for an end to the Ethiopian and Eritrean intervention. How can this be 

[Gelle] Ethiopia left Somalia a year ago and Eritrea does not control any areas 
through its forces. But the problem related to Eritrea's intervention is that 
it supports the armed groups with funds, training, and arms. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] The international community imposed sanctions on Eritrea for 
refusing to recognize the Somali Government, but what has it done to bolster 
stability in Somalia? 

[Gelle] The international community imposed sanctions on Eritrea for 
interfering by training, funding, and arming the saboteur elements. We 
considered this decision as a step in the right direction and that Eritrea will 
stop interfering in Somali affairs. As for the international community, its 
assistance to Somali came late and has not reached a stage whereby it can help 
Somalia emerge from its crisis. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] So what is required from the international community? 

[Gelle] What is required is support for the Somali Government in the field of 
security. It is true that there is training and some weapons, but for these 
forces to be able to impose control and restore security and stability, they 
should be financed, armed, and trained. We lack all these things. The Somali 
forces lack salaries, logistic means, and everything that a national force 
needs to restore stability. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the role of the Arab countries in helping Somalia 
imposing its sovereignty on its soil? What has the Arab League offered so far? 

[Gelle] As for the Arab countries, there is a negative legacy that they have 
inherited due to past experiences, particularly when agreements that were 
concluded to bring about Somali reconciliation were not implemented. This 
legacy continues to exist, resulting in lack of seriousness in dealing with 
Somalia's problems. But at the current stage, the Somali Government has 
demonstrated its ability to commit and has succeeded in keeping the Ethiopian 
forces in their barracks and doing training tasks only. The Arab world has been 
tardy in responding to the new state of affairs in Somalia. Thus the Arab 
League is called upon to respond more quickly and effectively and up to the 
required level with the new facts on the Somali arena. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the nature of the support from the Arab countries 
that Somalia needs? 

[Gelle] Diverse support related to establishing security. For instance, the 
African countries are providing support by training the Somali forces. They 
have peacekeeping forces and they provide financial support. I should point out 
that Rwanda -- that has recently emerged from its wars -- provided support up 
to $400,000 while the Arab countries have not given anything. As for the 
support that is required from the Arab countries, the Somali Government drew up 
a full plan to emerge from the crisis and start the reconstruction and 
presented it to the Arab summit that met in Qatar last year. We expect the 
response of the Arab countries in support of this plan would be faster. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What are the most prominent features of this plan? Do you 
intend to present it again to the next Arab summit? 

[Gelle] We have one month or more and we hope that there would be an Arab 
response during this period. The plan talks about frank support for the Somali 
security forces support for the Somali Parliament and civil institutions, and 
relief aid to the needy, because conditions are very tragic in some regions. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But the Arab League has an office for coordination and 
support in Mogadishu and has given the government direct aid amounting to up to 
$1 million. 

[Gelle] It is true that the Arab League gave the Somali Government $1 million 
when the government was first formed, but the Somali society does not need $1 
million, but $1 billion. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is Somalia presenting at the meeting of Arab information 

[Gelle] My participation in the meeting of the Arab information ministers is 
the first of its kind. It is an opportunity to brief them on the Somali 
situation, not only on the information sphere, but also on the political, 
economic, and social spheres. This is a valuable opportunity for me to brief 
the Arab information ministers on what is happening in Somalia. We also seek 
actual Arab support for the Somali media because they have been suffering from 
problems for years. We have recently managed to help the media play their role 
again. We know that the media are the true key to deal with some deviant and 
extremist notions that are behind the situation we are in at present. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is your position on the proposal to establish an Arab 
information commission? 

[Gelle] We support Arab consensus in this regard. Somalia is interested in 
everything that was discussed at the meetings of Arab information ministers. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the required media support for the media 
establishments in Somalia? 

[Gelle] We seek to strengthen the present media institutions, like the radio 
station and also the press. We wish to start a new Somali television station 
and that is not easy. We know that the Arab information ministers appreciate 
how much Somalia needs that. We also need to rebuild the national printing 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you prefer to establish the Somali television station in 
Mogadishu or in a neighboring country? 

[Gelle] We should establish it inside Mogadishu. The radio station and the 
information ministry are also in Mogadishu. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you not worried that these establishments may be bombed 
since they are part of the sovereignty that the armed groups are targeting? 

[Gelle] The lives of civilians are in danger as well as the lives of officials. 
Some have been the victims of aggression, but this will not deter us from 
striving and working

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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