February 12, 2010 
Nurfika Osman

A man works out in a Jakarta gym. The Indonesian Ulema Council has warned 
against provocative aerobics moves and tight clothes in gyms. (JG Photo) 

Indonesian Muslim Organization Cracks Down on Tight Gym Clothes and Valentine's 

The head of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in Palembang, South Sumatra, has 
warned people, especially women, not to wear sexy and tight attire when they 
undertake aerobic exercise as it might arouse sexual desire.

Sodikun said that most aerobic clothing was not in line with Islamic cultural 
values the issue needed to be resolved. 

But leggings and tank tops are not the only sexual temptation at the gym, 
according to Sodikun. He warned that aerobics class moves could also spark 
sexual desire.

"Exercise is recommended to maintain physical fitness and health, but it must 
be conducted in accordance with our existing social norms and culture," Sodikun 
said. "Aerobic exercise must also avoid the use of transparent suits as it does 
more harm than good."

At the same time, the MUI in Pamekasan, East Java, called on the Muslim 
community to refrain from celebrating Valentine's Day, stating that it was not 
a Muslim tradition.

The clerics issued the call because in past years certain segments of the 
population in Pamekasan had taken part in activities to celebrate the day.

"After all, Valentine's Day is not an Islamic tradition," said Lailurrahman, 
chairman of the MUI's Pamekasan branch.

"Also, Valentine's Day celebrations tend to be marked by frivolous, extravagant 
behavior or even improper activities," he added.

He said that filling one's life with love was actually in accordance with 
Allah's commands. But Valentine's Day, which falls on February 14, had pagan 
connotations, and therefore celebrating it would be a deviation from the 
Islamic faith, he said.

In Indonesia, the day is mainly observed among young people living in urban 

But Lailurrahman said that when one studied the origins of Valentine's Day, it 
was obvious that it had nothing to do at all with Islam and Islamic cultural 

"So, it is only proper for the MUI to forbid Muslim youths from observing the 
day," he said.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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