February 15, 2010

Muslim Group Threatens to Close Down Bekasi Church
Hundreds of supporters of 16 Islamic social organizations in Bekasi, West 
Java, threatened to forcibly close Galileo Church, located in Taman Galaxy, 
South Bekasi, on Monday, alleging that the church was trying to convert 
Muslim residents.

"We will close the church on Monday morning because their existence had 
disturbed the local residents, who are mostly Muslims," said the head of 
Bekasi's Islamic Defender Front (FPI) Murhali on TV One on Sunday.

Murhali said that there were allegations that the church was carrying out a 
mission to convert residents.

"We received reports that church officials often held a charity bazaar for 
locals but they were asked to say that Jesus is their God. I think it's a 
violation," he said.

There were six churches in the housing complex. "At night, their singing 
disturbs the locals' sleep," he said. The organizations said they had issued 
a statement to urge Bekasi's municipal government to close the church, as 
regulated in Joint Ministerial Decree between the Religion Minister and the 
Home Affairs Ministers about places of worship.

"The joint decree states that before a place of worship is built, it must 
get approval from 60 percent of local residents," he said.

The officials of Galilea Church were not available for comment, but police 
were seen guarding the premises on Monday morning.

Bekasi's Head Detective Comr. Budi Sartono advised demonstrators to conduct 
peaceful protests and avoid violence. He said police would not tolerate 

"If mistakes have been made, let's correct the mistakes peacefully. Police 
and the government are open to suggestions for improvements from public," 
Budi said.


7:32 AM February 16, 2010
know what this country really needs? a secret police to tackle subvert 
organization like this fpi. treat them like terrorist, after that's what 
they are right?

the government will never have the balls to shut this thing down.

5:27 AM February 16, 2010
A Catholic I know recently converted to Islam here in Jakarta. I don't 
recall his former Catholic congregation closing down the local mosque in 

A person's right to practice their religion - and convert to an other if 
they so wish - is an inalienable human right that no one and no other 
religion has the right to challenge.

The laws governing the rights of religious minorities in Indonesia are 
unjust and only serve the interests of the Muslim majority.

Given, from my experience, that many Muslims here seem to have, first of 
all, a very limited and basic understanding of their own religion, and 
secondly, absolutely no understanding, based on facts, of any other 
religion, (what some Muslims have told me, as a Catholic , what Catholics 
believe is amazingly ignorant of the facts), Muslim prejudices will only 
serve to create social unrest in a pluralistic, so-called, democratic 

9:30 PM February 15, 2010
The FPI are simply a state-condoned terrorist organisation. I wonder why 
they get any voice at all, the bigots.

5:45 PM February 15, 2010

Which one? the foam or the vodka? :P

5:15 PM February 15, 2010
5 call-to-prayers & nightly sing-alongs. I say that should be even steven. 
Although I can't bear the thought of having all 5 'official' religions' 
temples in my neighborhood, cos that would mean 5 different kind of ruckus. 
God help us all.

2:30 PM February 15, 2010
Once more from the religion of peace. Amazing!

1:56 PM February 15, 2010
There were six churches in the housing complex. "At night, their singing 
disturbs the locals' sleep," he said.

That makes a change.

Simon P
1:47 PM February 15, 2010
Heh heh, yes let's talk about disturbing locals' sleep shall we? Personally 
I use foam ear plugs which you can get down the chemist and vodka. Keeps me 
in the land of nod come 4am.

1:09 PM February 15, 2010
FPI flexing its muscle again. I sometimes wonder whether i really have to 
listen to the azan at 4-5AM in the morning but i never complain about it.

12:59 PM February 15, 2010
This FPI organization is still in existence? They stirred in the past so 
many times and caused so many troubles...

On the other side I like the statement of the Bekasi's Head Detective Comr. 
Budi Sartono - whatever the outcome - it should be made in peace.

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