There's ice on the moon, says Chandrayaan data
Anika Gupta, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, March 02, 2010

There could be as much as 600 million metric tonnes of water ice in the dark 
craters near the moon's north pole, say scientists after analysing data brought 
back by the Chandrayaan-1 moon mission.

"The new findings show that the moon is an even more interesting destination 
than people previously thought," said Paul Spudis, principal investigator for 
the project and a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Texas, US.

A tiny radar sensor, Mini-SAR, discovered the caches of frozen water.

Mini-SAR was created by the United States-based National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA).  The sensor weighs less than 10 kg, six times lighter 
than an unabridged Oxford English Dictionary. Mini-SAR arrived at the moon 
aboard Chandrayaan-1.

The sensor circled the lunar poles - the darkest, coldest and least explored 
parts of the moon's surface - for three months in early 2009. Mini-SAR fired a 
series of radio pulses at the moon. Near the North Pole, the feedback from the 
surface - the radio waves that bounced back - suggested the presence of water 

"The finding will give future missions a new target to explore and exploit," 
said Jason Crusan, programme executive for the Mini-RF Program for NASA's Space 
Operations Mission Directorate in Washington.

The new findings are part of a flood of recent discoveries of lunar water.  
Together, the findings have revolutionized the way scientists look at the moon.

In November, NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission 
(LCROSS) discovered water vapour near the Cabeus crater at the moon's south 
pole.  The Cabeus crater lies under a deep and permanent layer of shadow.

"The moon is alive!" crowed principal investigator Anthony Colaprete, chief 
scientist for LCROSS, upon announcing the discovery.  Colaprete held up 95 
litres of water, the amount discovered by LCROSS.

Scientists have long suspected that if there is water on the moon, it is hidden 
at the poles.  Astronauts who have visited the moon have brought back kilograms 
of samples and elaborate maps of the lunar equator, but the poles remained 
shrouded in mystery.

Over the past few months, scientists have been chipping away at that mystery, 
looking at data brought back by the 11 instruments aboard Chandrayaan-1. 

In September, scientists from India and the US announced the discovery of water 
molecules on the moon's surface.

It will take scientists two years to sort through all the Chandrayaan-1 data.  
But the results have already gotten researchers fired up.

The Mini-SAR findings, authored by Indian and American scientists from more 
than 13 agencies, appeared Tuesday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

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