Photo by: AP 
'Israeli commandos are wild dogs' 
06/01/2010 12:55 

Ahmadinejad calls for strong UNSC resolution over flotilla raid. 
The Iranian president on Tuesday demanded a strong UN Security Council 
resolution against Israel over its raid on an aid flotilla bound for the Gaza 

In a speech broadcast live on state TV, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
called on the Security Council to adopt a resolution that would "cut off" 
Israel's hands, thus preventing it from committing more "crimes."

At least nine people were killed when Israeli navy commandos raided the 
Gaza-bound flotilla Monday.

The UN Security Council called Tuesday for an "impartial" investigation of 
Israel's raid after an emergency meeting and marathon negotiations that lasted 
nearly 12 hours. It was weaker than what was initially demanded by the 
Palestinians, Arabs and Turkey.

"I ask the Security Council to keep the crimes of the Zionists on its agenda 
and to cut off their hands from committing crimes with a strong resolution," 
Ahmadinejad said during a provincial visit to town of Ilam, some 430 miles (700 
kilometers) southwest of Teheran.

He said such a resolution by the Council would secure international confidence 
in the body and send a message that it doesn't issue "resolutions only against 
countries the US and its allies want."

Ahmadinejad was referring to the push by the US, four other permanent Security 
Council members - Russia, China, Britain and France - and Germany for a new set 
of UN sanctions against Iran over its refusal to stop enriching uranium.

The West suspect the program masks efforts to make nuclear weapons, a charge 
Iran denies and claims it's for peaceful power generation.

Ahmadinejad, who is known for his anti-Israel rhetoric, called Israeli 
commandos who rappelled onto the Gaza-bound flotilla "wild dogs" and criticizes 
Washington for its "weak and tendentious" stance in support of Israel.

He warned Israel against further raids on Gaza, saying that a "storm of anger 
from the nations of the region will uproot you."

Israel faces international fury over flotilla
Ban Ki-moon 'shocked' by raids
Turkey recalls top envoy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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