Headline News
Massacre on high seas
Published Date: June 01, 2010 

JERUSALEM: Israeli marines stormed a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza yesterday 
and at least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a 
diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of the UN Security Council. European 
nations, as well as the United Nations and Turkey, voiced shock and outrage at 
the bloody end to the international campaigners' bid to break Israel's blockade 
of the Gaza Strip.

Boarding from dinghies and rappelling from helicopters, naval commandos stopped 
six ships, 700 people and 10,000 tonnes of supplies from reaching the 
Islamist-run Palestinian enclave - but bloody miscalculation left Israel 
isolated and condemned. Once-close Muslim ally Turkey accused it of "terrorism" 
in international waters. The UN Security Council met in emergency session. The 
European Union, a key aid donor to Palestinians, demanded an independent 
inquiry and an end to the Gaza embargo.

Israel's most powerful friend, the United States, was more cautious. But 
President Barack Obama said he wanted the full facts soon and regretted the 
loss of life. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced regret as he cut short a 
visit to Canada and rang Obama to call off a White House meeting that had been 
planned for today. He said his forces had been attacked: "They were mobbed, 
they were clubbed, they were beaten, stabbed, there was even a report of 
gunfire. And our soldiers had to defend themselves." F
or all his regret, he vowed to maintain a three-year-old embargo to stop 
Iranian-backed Hamas from bringing arms to Gaza.

Back home, questions were asked about how an operation that aimed to avoid 
bloodshed had gone so badly and publicly wrong. The White House meeting had 
seemed intended to soothe ties with Obama, which have been strained by 
differences over Jewish settlement construction that delayed the recent revival 
of peace talks with the Palestinians. But Obama must also balance support for 
Israel, which is popular with American voters, with understanding for an angry 
Turkey and other Muslim US allies. Palestinian Presi
dent Mahmoud Abbas said: "What Israel has committed on board the Freedom 
Flotilla was a massacre.

Even after the vessels were escorted into Israel's Ashdod port, accounts of the 
predawn operation some 120 km out in the Mediterranean were sketchy and limited 
to those from the Israeli side. Activists were held incommunicado, though 
Israeli officials said most would be free to go in due course. Military 
night-vision video showed commandos being winched down, only to be surrounded. 
Some Israeli commentators asked why commanders put troops into a position where 
they were cornered.

An Israeli minister admitted plans to maintain the blockade on Hamas while 
avoiding an international incident had backfired in spectacular fashion. "It's 
going to be a big scandal, no doubt about it," Trade Minister Binyamin 
Ben-Eliezer said. One marine told reporters his squad went in with anti-riot 
paintball guns but, fearing for their lives, resorted to using normal pistols 
or leapt overboard. In military footage, a commando fired a paintball at a man 
who seemed to be clubbing an Israeli. Other video sh
owed a commando fire a pistol, two-handed. "We were prepared to face human 
rights activists and we found people who came for war," the marine told 

A reporter with the pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera, who was sailing on 
the Turkish ship leading the flotilla, said the Israelis fired at the vessel 
before boarding it, wounding the captain. "These savages are killing people 
here, please help," a Turkish television reporter said. The broadcast ended 
with a voice shouting in Hebrew, "Everybody shut up!" At Barzilai hospital in 
the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, a few activists trickled in under 
military escort. "They hit me," said a Greek man, who
se right arm was in a sling, calling the Israelis "pirates". He did not give 
his name and later was escorted away with a neck brace.

Israeli military officials said nine activists died on the Mavi Marmara, a 
Turkish cruise ship carrying nearly 600 people. Most of the dead were Turks, 
one senior Israeli officer said. Military officials said some activists had 
snatched pistols from the boarding party, which responded to gunfire. Seven 
troops and 20 protesters were injured, the military said. Some officials had 
earlier put the death toll at 10 or even higher.

The bloodshed sparked street protests and government ire in Turkey, long 
Israel's lone Muslim ally in the region. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, whose 
Islamist views and outreach to Iran and other Israeli enemies are blamed by 
many in Israel for souring relations, said before cutting short a trip to 
Chile: "This action, totally contrary to the principles of international law, 
is inhumane state terrorism. I'd like to address those who supported this 
operation: You support bloodshed and we support peace, hum
anity and law.

Ankara also cancelled joint military exercises and recalled its ambassador. 
Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said there were up to 400 Turks among nearly 
600 people aboard the Mavi Maramara, the Turkish cruise vessel where the firing 
broke out. After chairing an emergency ministerial meeting in place of the 
absent Erdogan, Arinc said in a televised speech: "We condemn Israel's attack 
at the highest level." Armed Forces Chief General Ilker Basbug, who also rushed 
home from an official visit to Egypt, spok
e to his Israeli counterpart and said the use of military power in the incident 
was unacceptable. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who was on his way to 
Washington from Latin America, was reported to have spoken on the telephone 
with Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

President Abdullah Gul said Turkey was demanding that Israel "swiftly carry out 
all necessary inquiries on the issue and punish those responsible". Israeli 
ambassador Gabby Levy was summoned to the foreign ministry as thousands took to 
the streets to protest the assault that came atop already deteriorating ties 
between the two former allies. Turkey asked for a detailed report on the fate 
of all people who were aboard the vessels, a Turkish diplomat told AFP, adding 
that they included nationals from 33 coun
tries. Levy was also told that the Turkish passengers and the wounded should be 
repatriated to Turkey in the shortest possible time and the vessels released, 
he said.

Turkish police were put on high alert as some 10,000 people marched on 
Istanbul's central Taksim square from the Israeli consulate where they had 
converged after news of the raid broke. "Damn Israel!", "A tooth for a tooth, 
an eye for an eye, revenge, revenge!" chanted the protestors, carrying Turkish 
and Palestinian flags, as they marched towards the square, an AFP photographer 
reported. "Close down the Zionist embassy," read a banner carried by the crowd. 
A crowd of some 500 people gathered outside Levy's residence in Ankara, 
shouting "Damn Israel" and reciting prayers.

By targeting civilians, Israel has once again shown its disregard for human 
life and peaceful initiatives," a foreign ministry statement said. "This 
deplorable incident, which took place in open seas and constitutes a flagrant 
breach of international law, may lead to irreparable consequences in our 
bilateral relations.... Israel will have to bear the consequences of this 
behaviour," it said.

Israel told tourists in Turkey to stay indoors and dismissed any accusations 
that it had broken international law by boarding foreign ships far beyond its 
territorial waters. Israeli forces were on high alert but aside from scattered 
scuffles, there was little trouble with Palestinian protesters. Robin 
Churchill, a professor of international law at the University of Dundee in 
Scotland, said the Israeli commandos boarded the ship outside of Israel's 
territorial waters. "As far as I can see, there is no lega
l basis for boarding these ships," Churchill said.

Demonstrations in European cities included Paris, Stockholm, Rome and Athens, 
where police used teargas against protesters who threw stones and bottles near 
Israel's embassy to Greece. The Arab League condemned what it called a 
"terrorist act". Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called it "inhuman". 
More worryingly for Israel, its friends showed little sympathy. The outrage 
sounded at times more uniformly hostile to the Jewish state than during its 
offensive in Gaza, which killed 1,400 Palestinians in Dec 2008 and Jan 2009.

Israel said it launched that war to curb Hamas rocket fire on its towns. But it 
has found it harder to win understanding for an embargo limiting supplies to 
1.5 million people in Gaza, including cement the UN says it needs to repair 
bomb damage. A senior UN official responsible for the aid on which Gaza depends 
said: "Such tragedies are entirely avoidable if Israel heeds the repeated calls 
of the international community to end its counterproductive and unacceptable 
blockade of Gaza." - Agencies

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