Hi Klaus!

You were right about hyperref. I had a 1998 version... It now compiles
ok, except for the example file (example.mps) which it does not recognize.

I get the error message:
LaTeX Warning: File `example.0' not found on input line 286.
! LaTeX Error: File `example.0' not found.

Don't know what's going wrong, but I'm troubled by the fact that the true
extension of the example file I downloaded isn't mps, but mmp...
I tried to change the line in the input file, but that doens't change
Ok, but that's probably due to some problems with the graphicx package.
I'll search into it.
Just one question: What is this graphics format? Which software was it made
with? I find it cool that it can appear as chunks in the demo!

Whe3n I comment the \multiinclude line for the graphics, I get an output,
which I can process with ppower4.
The only minor glitch is the appearance of some "toplinks"  on the first
page and the "back to start" link. They are not red as in the demo pdf
file, but they are in a little red framebox (yuk! :-), although they work

I thought it may be due to the following warning:
Warning: PDFLATEX (file test.map): cannot open font map file

As for the version of pdfTeX, I have:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14e-released-20000217 (MiKTeX 1.20e
(Snapshot build 187)) (preloaded format=latex 2000.11.3)  6 NOV 2000 19:24

In any case, thanks for all the help.

>You may need to install a recent version of hyperref.
>Unfortunately you did not include any information about the pdftex and 
>hyperref version in use.
>        Klaus
>       Klaus Guntermann        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       FG Systemprogrammierung, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt
>       Wilhelminenstr. 7, D-64283 Darmstadt
Giovanni Ferro Luzzi     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dep. of Political Economy  - University of Geneva
40, bd du Pont-d'Arve ; CH-1211 Geneve 4 / Switzerland
voice : (+ 41  22)  705 82 66   fax: (+ 41  22)  705 82 93

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