belliottsmith commented on code in PR #3781:

@@ -217,48 +233,40 @@ protected EpochHistory createEpochHistory()
         return new EpochHistory();
-    @VisibleForTesting
+    /**
+     * On restart, loads topologies. On bootstrap, discovers existing 
topologies and initializes the node.
+     */
     public synchronized void start()
-    {
-        start(ignore -> {});
-    }
-    public synchronized void start(Consumer<OptionalLong> callback)
         Invariants.checkState(state == State.INITIALIZED, "Expected state to 
be INITIALIZED but was %s", state);
         state = State.LOADING;
-        EndpointMapping snapshot = mapping;
-        //TODO (restart): if there are topologies loaded then there is likely 
failures if reporting is needed, as mapping is not setup yet
-        AtomicReference<Topology> previousRef = new AtomicReference<>(null);
-        diskState = diskStateManager.loadTopologies(((epoch, metadata, 
topology, syncStatus, pendingSyncNotify, remoteSyncComplete, closed, redundant) 
-> {
-            updateMapping(metadata);
-            reportTopology(topology, syncStatus == SyncStatus.NOT_STARTED, 
-            Topology previous = previousRef.get();
-            if (previous != null)
-            {
-                // for all nodes removed, or pending removal, mark them as 
removed so we don't wait on their replies
-                Sets.SetView<Node.Id> removedNodes = 
Sets.difference(previous.nodes(), topology.nodes());
-                if (!removedNodes.isEmpty())
-                    onNodesRemoved(topology.epoch(), currentTopology(), 
-            }
-            previousRef.set(topology);
+        EndpointMapping snapshot = mapping;
+        diskStateManager.loadLocalTopologyState((epoch, syncStatus, 
pendingSyncNotify, remoteSyncComplete, closed, redundant) -> {
-            if (syncStatus == SyncStatus.NOTIFYING)
+            switch (syncStatus)

Review Comment:
   Either handle all cases and throw exception on unhandled, or simply test 
`syncStatus == NOTIFYING`?
   Should we be doing anything in the `NOT_STARTED` case? We might need to 
fetch information from peers about what has been synced, though this will 
naturally start arriving from later epochs, so perhaps not a problem.

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