Salam Pramuka!

Cuman mau forward Informasi dinner tahunan bagi kakak kakak yang mungkin 
kebetulan lagi main ke wilayah Illinois untuk silahkan hadir di Dinner 
Woodbadge yang terbuka bagi para scouters yang tertarik ikutan kursus woodbadge 
dan juga bagi para alumnus Woodbadge 1-3beads  (KMD/KML/KPL) atau any scouters 
yang tertarik.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan selamat bekerja pada para pengurus DKN yang baru 
saja merefresh kabinetnya. Semoga dapat menjaga amanah T/D se-Indonesia. Amiin. 
Doa dan dukungan saja yang saya bisa berikan, semoga sukses slalu

And juga mau numpang tanya siapa tahu disini ada Panitia Rainas 08 bidang 
Kontingen Internasional, bisa tolong untuk mulai komunikasi dan koordinasi? 
Bisa tolong email saya di [EMAIL PROTECTED] Trims

Sir. Ari Adipratomo, A+, A.A [KtGC].OBE

"Moriarty, Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Content-Length: 18630

                st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }           Hello
       Campers !!!!!
  Congratulations to all of you that have completed your tickets…..
  …………….Great Job !!!!
  For the others;
                the Clock is TICKING very loudly………
               ..  there is only a little time left to complete those tickets.
  Make sure that you are talking with your ticket counselor………….daily if 
  If you run into some problems………… talk to your counselor about some 
      YOU CAN DO IT-----        & we can Help
  I also assume that all of you will be coming to the Woodbadge Dinner this 
Saturday at 6:00 PM at Christ Church in Des Plaines……
                You gotta come !!!!      
   Here’s some info on the Dinner  call 
everyone in your patrol and come out to SING…….
  We’ve had a few beadings already, let me know when yours is scheduled….we 
have a ceremony we could use……
  ………………….and don’t forget……..we can have Flamage too !!!!
  I’m hoping that all of you will successfully finish your tickets……..if I can 
help in any way, let me know.
  Thank you again for all you do for Scouting………
  ………………………………………………………………….……….and for leaving you own legacy.
  Frank Moriarty | Director, Specialty Consulting Services | RSM McGladrey 
  20 North Martingale, Suite 500  Schaumburg, Illinois 60173
  | ' o:847.413.6374 | ( c:224.627.3690 | 7 f:847.517.7067 | : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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          Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly. -- Robert F. 


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