-----Original Message-----
Feed: MediaWatch
Posted on: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 9:04 PM
Author: Uwe Kerkow (uwe.ker...@web.de)
Subject: Verantwortungsvoller Konsum

MediaWatch hat sich schon aus politökonomischer Sicht dafür ausgesprochen, 
gesellschaftliche Probleme nicht allein den KonsumentInnen aufzubürden, sondern 
besser ordnungspolitisch zu regeln [1]. Nun zeigen Untersuchungen von Markus 
Giesler und Ela Veresiu (Uni York), dass der Versuch von KäuferInnen, 
verantwortungsbewusst zu konsumieren, Unternehmen mehr nützt als der 
Gesellschaft insgesamt [2] (e!science, Journal of Consumer Research): 

  --When businesses convince politicians to encourage responsible consumption 
instead of implementing policy changes to solve environmental and social 
problems, business earns the license to create new markets while all of the 
pressure to solve the problem at hand falls on the individual consumer. (...)

  First, economic elites redefine the nature of the problem from political to 
one of individual consumption (for example, global warming stems from consumers 
failing to cultivate a sustainable lifestyle). Next, economic elites promote 
the idea that the only viable solution is for consumers to change their 
behavior. Third, new markets are created in order to turn this solution into a 
material reality (eco-friendly light bulbs, hybrid automobiles, energy 
efficient appliances). Finally, consumers must adopt this new ethical 

[1] http://tinyurl.com/p37e6zy
[2] http://esciencenews.com/node/979634

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