Mark Phillips, on 2007-12-04:
> Thanks. What does it mean - "A page/event/document/etc does not have an
> associated workflow"? Can that really happen? Is this just a poor choice
> of words for the actual exception? 

At least the most common (and harmless) occurrence of this log message
is when the content object is indeed not associated with any workflow:
in portal_workflow this content type has an empty string as a

There *might* be other reasons why this exception occurs.  If you are
sure the content object you are seeing this with really does have a
workflow, then you need to investigate more.  Maybe edit that script
and put some more logging in it as a first step.

> It makes me nervous because the site I am working on has to have a
> specific workflow process in place, and I don't want orphaned documents
> hanging around nor for documents to 'slip through the cracks' because
> there is an error in the workflow.

It sounds like you are working on a live site, which can be
dangerous.  I hope you have backups.  If not, make one now.

> Am I not setting the history correctly? I started with the
> plone_workflow as my model and made some modifications. I did not change
> any of the variables where I think the history is stored. However, I did
> add a new state and transition. Perhaps I need to revise how history is
> captured?

You should not have to touch those variables unless you know what you
are doing.

Depending on what exactly you are changing in that workflow, you need
to go to the portal_workflow tool in the ZMI and click "Update
Security Settings".

Maurits van Rees | [NL]
            Work |
"Do not worry about your difficulties in computers,
 I can assure you mine are still greater."

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