Mark Phillips, on 2007-12-04:
> I need to add two fields (1 text and 1 selection) to the join_form. I
> also need to add, if possible, a "I have read the terms and conditions
> checkbox" and text box with the TOC, if possible. 
> Can anyone point me to an examples or provide some pointers?

If you can settle for just adding some fields to the member
preferences form instead of the join form:

- add your fields to the properties in portal_memberdata

- add an file in a skin with these contents:

  <div metal:define-macro="after_primary">
     ...input widgets for your fields...

  See CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/personalize_form.cpt for more

Actually, you could just put those fields in the join_form.cpt (and in
portal_memberdata still).  Then add validation code for those fields
in join_form_validate.vpy.  For that check box you could let the
join_form_validate.vpy return an error if the box has not been

Maurits van Rees |
            Work |
"From an eekhoorn grows an oak." [semi-Dutch proverb]

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