Ken Wasetis [at Contextual] wrote:

It seems to me to be a very easy sell (then why haven't I?) to the existing mambo/joomla/drupal skin producers to just learn enough about another tool (Plone) that gives them yet another channel to get a few more miles out of designs they've already done the hard work on.

These people/shops already run ecommerce sites to sell/download their new Plone skins from and understand the model for doing that. I think they just hear of the Plone learning curve and get scared off, but I've seen non-Python/non-Plone developer-designers pick up the Plone skinning process rather quickly.

Me too, I've a volunteer in my organization with a little python knowledge (he is doing a human faculty), which I told: "take the tutorial on DIYPloneStyle and do a new theme". He did with almost no help by me :)

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