On 15-01-2011 21:52, Jon Stahl wrote:
I suppose the first question is: why not use Collage, which AFAIK
fulfills the same use-case, already works with Plone 4, and has active
contributors (and even add-ons!)

Please, all the people with technology skills and long Plone experience, try using Deco instead of these previous-generation-products (regardless of them being of good or bad quality).

If everyone waits around for Deco to be finished and cleanly integrated in Plone before they start testing it, it won't make it into Plone 5 because it didn't get enough attention before.

If nothing else, just spend 2 hours to test if it is close and what would be needed for it to fullfil your needs. Your comments are valuable.

Geir Bækholt

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