On 1/24/11 7:28 AM, Kees Hink wrote:
I'm still getting this error [1], but now for a new situation: I'm using
collective.alias, which als does an<includeDependencies package="." />  in its

The workaround Ross suggested (removing site-wide PIL eggs) works.

Still, this might be considered a bug, right? A buildout should be repeatable,
and having to depend on a site-wide PIL package not being there isn't exactly
what you'd want.

Jumping in mid-thread here:

I'm afraid to ask what PIL-1 is… but in general I think it's fair game to assume a "clean" Python environment, and things breaking because of some lib in the "global" Python I would not consider a bug.




[1] http://pastie.org/1492425

On 09/29/2010 09:44 PM, Ross Patterson wrote:
Kees Hink<hink-JZa/QnC6/z0avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org>  writes:

The latest plone.contentratings release (rc1) has added this statement to its
<includeDependencies package="." />
When i run ./bin/instance fg, i get:
ImportError: No module named PIL-1

I've seen a post about this error before, where dexterity seemed to be the
cause. It most likely isn't, and neither is plone.contentratings, but I thought
i'd report this here.

We "fixed it" by using an older version of plone.contentratings which doesn't
have this statement.

Needless to say, i've grepped for "PIL-1" in all python files on the filesystem
and all i find are ...parts/instance0/bin/servicewrapper.py files which say:
sys.path[0:0] = [

I just ran into this and I that when I removed the "PIL-1.*" eggs from
my python installation and from the easy_install.pth file I was able to
run "bin/instance fg" again.  It took me forever to find the offending
egg, though, I had to use pdb to step through the includeDependencies
handler to find out where it was getting the string from.  I was using
the python buildout and the offending place was


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