On 2/8/11 5:53 AM, noisygecko wrote:


The Maps product seems to work despite not saying it is compatible with
Plone 4.  But it only gives a map type to Plone.  Might be useful for

It also provides a 'geolocation' (or similar named) field that
you can use in your own types/schemaextenders.

That's what we use for, e.g., http://incf.org/about/nodes
(and other sections on that site where location matters)

There is also
which might be of interest to you,



Maurits van Rees-3 wrote:

Op 06-02-11 18:13, noisygecko schreef:

I made a fresh install of Plone 4.0.2 and then wanted to install the
collective.geo.contentlocations product.  I added it to my eggs and zcml
ran buildout.  I get this error (full text is below):

Error: There is a version conflict.
We already have: zope.schema 3.5.4
but z3c.form 2.4.2 requires 'zope.schema>=3.6.0'.

Does anyone have an idea bout what is up and how I could fix this?  I
posted to the collective.geo.contentlocations issue tracker, but I am not
sure that it is a problem with that product.

If zope.schema is the only one that is complained about, then using
3.6.0 seems safe enough:
Just add zope.schema = 3.6.0 in your [versions] section.

Alternatively, see if pinning z3c.form to 2.3.4 helps.

Handpicking the correct versions for z3c.form and plone(.app).z3cform
for the Plone version you are using can be tricky...

*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
#Required by:
#plone.app.registry 1.0b5
Products.CMFPlone = 4.1a1

Note that you are pulling in Products.CMFPlone 4.1a1 here.  To avoid
that, try pinning Products.CMFPlone = 4.0b1, like Plone 4.0.3 does:
Or use Plone 4.0.3 yourself; it is not releases officially yet, but that
is only pending the arrival of Windows builds.


Maurits van Rees
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
Personal website: http://maurits.vanrees.org/

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