With collective.xdv installed and transforming our custom theme, we'd
like to comment the various things happening with the inline xsl.
Based on the tests in the xdv package, we can add a comment outside of
a xdv rule like so:

 $ cat xinclude/included-rules.xml

<rules xmlns="http://namespaces.plone.org/xdv";

    <copy css:theme="#target" css:content="body > *"/>


And all tests still pass.  However, if we do something like this in
the same file:

<rules xmlns="http://namespaces.plone.org/xdv";

    <replace css:theme="#target">
    <p>Foo Bar</p>


The comment actually comes through to the output html and we get the
expected test failure. We are using some fairly extensive
transformations and we would really appreciate the ability to comment
the xsl without passing on those comments to the output html. This is
possible with mod_transform and not using inline xsl, but is there
anything we can do to salvage our future sanity?

Thank you.
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