Op 19-02-11 00:48, Noe Misael Nieto Arroyo schreef:
I'm working on a Plone Theme based on diazo. In fact, just a plain Plone

I made some changes to the theme and changed the profile version number.
And restarted Plone.

Upon restart, the Plone control panel's prefs_install_products_form
shows this message below my product's name:

This add-on has been upgraded. Old profile version was *0001*. New
profile version is *0002*. There is no upgrade procedure defined for
this add-on. Please consult the add-on documentation for upgrade
information, or contact the add-on author.

But there isn't any "Reinstall" button. I could go to
portal_quickinstaller tool and force the reinstallation. But I'm curious
now about what do I need to add to my theme product so the
aforementioned message dissapears and the "Reinstall" button appears?

You need to define a GenericSetup upgrade step to upgrade the profile of your package to the new profile version. The Add-On Products page will then give you your reinstall button back (it may be labelled 'upgrade', which at least is its intended meaning).

This behaviour is new in Plone 3.3. This was done because depending on what your GenericSetup profile looks like, it may be dangerous to reinstall your product or reapply your complete profile. For example. if your profile has a mailhost.xml then reapplying your profile will apply that mailhost.xml file, which overwrites any changes made by a Manager through the UI.


Maurits van Rees
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
Personal website: http://maurits.vanrees.org/

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