Chris Heiland wrote:
> While configuring diazo I'm noticing a strange inconsistency and
> wanted to ask if this was normal. In the control panel for the product
> under the 'Rules file' the path is not consistent when plone is run in
> fg vs bg (normal mode?). I have plone 4.0.2 installed via bulidout
> with the latest KGS for collective.xdv.
> My theme folder with files used for transforming:
> $ /plone/buildout/theme/
> In fg mode on my local dev machine or the server I can set the path to
> 'theme/rules.xml'. However, when I run this in bg locally or via
> supervisor on the server I have to set the path as follows:
> '../theme/rules.xml'. is there a path I have to set somewhere to keep
> this all consistent? I'd rather not use absolute paths to keep the
> configuration portable.

Relative paths are relative to the current working directory (which will
change depending on how / where you start Plone.) The best thing to do is
use a path relative to a python package, e.g. your.package:theme/index.html will introduce a more flexible mechanism, based on

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