On 06/04/2011, at 9:05 AM, Ross Patterson wrote:

Noe Misael Nieto Arroyo <n...@iservices.com.mx>

Sometimes reading code does not give a clear understanding of which
bits of code are being used when working with utilities, components

It may be that I still don't quite understand the ZCA Machinery, but,
is there a way to "browse" or graph all the relations between
Utilities, adapters, and so on?

At a sprint a while back, I made an attempt to graft zope.app.apidoc
onto Plone.  zope.app.apidoc is essentially a ZCA browser.  I got an
initial prototype working but there were still many errors.  You can
check it out at:


Is there any tools that can extract useful documentation from the static ZCA registrations?

The reason I ask is that we have the collective.developermanual which generates its documentation from sphinx. Sphinx has a nice that would allow us to link in the Plone codebase and generate documentation directly from parts of the code if we choose. To my knowledge that's not something we've taken advantage of yet.


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