Once again you're talking out your poop chute.   only 8775 gun murders for a 
population of over 300 million.   Many of those are criminals killing 


----- Original Message -----
From: geoff <data...@adam.com.au>
To: 'ProFox Email List' <profox@leafe.com>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] Their first bitch is worse than our first bitch?

Only an american could consider a gun the arbiter of democracy - a country 
where 50,000 people each year die from guns and where the crime rate is triple 
ours. we have a very very stable and resilient democracy and the choice to be 
gun-free was OURS. 

your understanding of democracy is as flawed as your knowledge of Mugabe etc

-----Original Message-----
From: profox-boun...@leafe.com [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of 
Adam Buckland
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2012 8:17 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: [OT] Their first bitch is worse than our first bitch?

No Pete, you're a citizen of a republic, and a subject of a monarchy .....

Australia is a member of the Commonwealth and therefore everyone is a subject, 
like Belgium, the UK. China, the USA and Russia have no monarch so their 
inhabitants are citizens.

-----Original Message-----
From: profox-boun...@leafe.com [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of 
Pete Theisen
Sent: 19 March 2012 06:44
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Their first bitch is worse than our first bitch?

geoff wrote:
> dig yourself a deeper hole pete... keep making truly ridiculous 
> comparisons that just make you look truly stupid. and the comment 
> about undemocratic australian policies just make you look even more 
> like a fool.

Hi Geoff,

Did not Australia abrogate the people's right to keep and bear arms?
Such was reported here. Of course, if that is wrong, please advise us.

Once disarmed you are no longer a citizen, but a subject only. Hole indeed . . .

Now, back to the main subject - how Obama is good and Mugabe bad - seem pretty 
similar to me. OK, the Bammer had other guys do his fighting for him . . .

> geoff wrote:
>> when you start trying to defend or explain Mugabe then you lose ALL 
>> credibility. Try a little research in Zimbabwe before you demonstrate 
>> your total lack of knowledge.

> OK, you have something other than generalities in mind about Mugabe, 
> why don't you spill it? If you are just generalizing, what do you base 
> your generalities on? Is not Mugabe the current prime minister of 
> Zimbabwe? Was he ever personally convicted of anything? I would agree 
> that Zimbabwe's policies are not, uh, democratic, but neither are 
> Australia's in my opinion.
> I would be especially interested in how fiscal profligacy on the part 
> of a first lady of the US is anything somehow better than fiscal 
> profligacy on the part of the first lady of Zimbabwe - except possibly 
> as percentage of GDP, or for that matter, Australia, except in that 
> case . . . Well, guys common-law married to women don't blow wads and 
> wads of public funds on designer duds and jet-setting, ordinarliy.
> I think both of them have delivered themselves of unfortunate remarks, 
> Marie Antoinette style.
> when you compare the two first ladies
>> and consider them pretty much the same, you just look silly. The way 
>> you write you'd think Michelle was the first presidents wife to 
>> travel on the public purse. You sound like madagain, which is about 
>> as low as it gets.
>> you've lost all credibility. your political opinion begins, ends and 
>> is its entirety nothing more than obama-hate.
>> -----Original Message----- From: profox-boun...@leafe.com 
>> [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of Pete Theisen Sent:
>> Monday, 19 March 2012 3:17 PM To: ProFox Email List Subject: Re:
>> [OT] Their first bitch is worse than our first bitch?
>> geoff wrote:
>>> it does you and anyone else no praise to compare the wife of a 
>>> dictatorial terrorist and murderer to the wife of someone whose 
>>> politics you dont like. It in fact discredits your opinions so much 
>>> so as to make them almost worthless.
>> Hi Geoff,
>> From this distance, it appears that all of Mugabe's "terrorisms and 
>> murders" if he even did any were within the law of the country he 
>> leads, or were internationally classified as acts of war 
>> (revolution). Has he been convicted of anything in any court other 
>> than being a member of once banned ZANU which is now the ruling 
>> party?
>> In any case, his wife is responsible only for herself unless 
>> convicted of conspiracy had he been actually convicted of any crime.
>> Political criticism, on the other hand, is appropriate for both.
>> And I did say that I think Grace is worse, although both are 
>> repugnant. That they are as much alike as they are is an evil omen.
>>> I think Grace is worse than Michelle, but they both think themselves 
>>> superior, by marriage.
>>>> yeah... the comparison is so strong.
>>>> idiot
>>>> They're two-of-a-kind
>>>> http://www.newzimbabwe.com/pages/shopper.1156.html
>>>> AT HOME in Zimbabwe more than seven million of her people are 
>>>> starving. But as Robert Mugabe's wife Grace strolled around the 
>>>> most exclusive boutiques in Paris recently, the plight of the 
>>>> hungry and dying was the last thing on her mind.
>>>> Hiding behind £180 Christian Dior sunglasses and with a £25,000 
>>>> diamond-encrusted Rolex hanging off her wrist, the First Lady of 
>>>> Zimbabwe spent a day doing what she does best - shopping.
>>>> After a £150-a-head dinner she and her husband retired to their 
>>>> £10,000-a-night, 33-room suite at the Plaza-Athenee, while back 
>>>> home families queued for meagre supplies of bread and cooking oil.
>>>> http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/michelle-obama-vacation-scandal/
>>>> First Lady Michelle Obama over the last year has spent a total of
>>>> 42 days on vacation, or a little more than one out of every nine 
>>>> days, according to a White House Dossier analysis of her travel.
>>>> Her vacations, the cost of which are mostly borne by taxpayers, 
>>>> include trips to Panama City, Fla., Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, 
>>>> South Africa, Latin America, Vail, Colo., and her visit this week 
>>>> to her brother in Corvallis, Ore.
>>>> The total does not include a nine day sojourn in Martha’s Vineyard 
>>>> that the Obamas will enjoy this month. Nor does it include a trip 
>>>> she made to Ireland and Great Britain in May, which I’m counting as 
>>>> official travel.

http:[excessive quoting removed by server]

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