El 14/04/12 09:32, Stephen Russell escribió:
> On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 3:59 AM, Pete Theisen <petethei...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Hi Everybody,
>> Try telling that to the left:
>> http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/295611/still-least-racist-country-world-dennis-prager
> ---------------
> This coming from the most racist person of this list.

So Mr. Dennis Prager's *opinion* is that. So what? Who the hell is
Dennis Prager?
OTOH notice that near the end of the note he clearly equates xenophobia
with racism. And uses xenophobia to support his point. Only idiots would
fall for this.

"The political aspect is this: The Democrats and the Left both recognize
that if blacks cease viewing themselves as victims of racism, the
Democratic party can no longer offer itself as black America's savior.
And if only one out of three black Americans ceases to regard to himself
as a victim of racism, and votes accordingly, it will be very difficult
for Democrats to win any national election."

He just takes the rep strategy of fear and looking for outside enemies
and applies it to racism.
Just stupid article addressed at stupid people. No wonder Petey reads
this shit.

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