On 11/15/2012 03:29 PM, Adam Buckland wrote:
It's like Switzerland... everyone has a weapon... they've just been through a civil war 
everyones got an AK47... my business partner in Istanbul has an AK47 under his bed... 
they are everywhere .. everywhere... but saying that it does look like "if" it 
was a spontaneous protest there was a serious level of planning parallel to it to attack 
the Embassy.

Yes, I agree the attack appears to have been planned, but to what end, and who directed the attack? Al Quada does not seem to be behind it.



Interesting probably for the gun nuts..... 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_AK-47_and_M16   I've fired an 
AK47 but never an M16....

I trained with the M16 before being deployed to South East Asia in 1967 - 1968. I was stationed at Binh Thuy AB, 632d Combat Support Group, about 6 clicks east of the city of Canto in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. I was with the 632 Security Police Squadron during the Tet Offensive of February 1968 as an augment.




-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of lelandj
Sent: 15 November 2012 20:53
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [PHISHING] - Re: [OT] Republican senators set up showdown over 
possible Rice nomination - Message is a scam email phishing

On 11/15/2012 12:56 PM, Nicholas Geti wrote:
Looks like you don't pay attention to the news showing video clips of
the attack nor are you a deep thinker. For a spontaneous riot to
suddenly open up with rocket launchers, AK47's and armed squads
breaking into the buildings while our couple of guys were on the roof
with a machine gun trying to protect the compound, one would have to
be pretty dense to even consider anything but a planned attack.
Technically, Libya is part of North Africa, but if you look on a map, Libya is 
just a stone's throw away from the middle east.  From what I've seen on TV, 
whenever there is a protest, or celebration for that matter, in that part of 
the world, everyone brings their weapon along, often firing them into the air 
to emphasize matters. LOL  This would include handguns, AK 47s, and rocket 
launchers, etc.

That part of the world is a rough neighborhood, so I wouldn't want to be more 
than a few steps away from my weapon, if there.  I spent some time in Vietnam, 
so I know about some of these bad habits.






Nicholas Geti

----- Original Message ----- From: "lelandj" <lela...@mail.smvfp.com>
To: "ProFox Email List" <profox@leafe.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] Republican senators set up showdown over possible
Rice nomination

On 11/15/2012 03:12 AM, Michael Madigan wrote:
She was set up by the White House.
I don't think so.  It was the CIA that feed Susan Rice the faulty
information, if it was in fact faulty.  I'm not sure who arranged to
have her appear on Meet the Press shortly thereafter.  The
investigation of the Benghazi attack continues, and it's not clear to
me whether it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video insulting
Muslims, a spontaneous attack infiltrated and lead by extremist, an
deliberate attack for yet unknown reasons, or an attack orchestrated
by CIA/Israel to be used against Barack Obama during the elections.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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