At 02:18 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:
One of the first steps in the connection and sending of email from server to server is to identify who the message is for (sender) and a response from the receiving server as to whether that person (address) is known to them. At that point, based on the receiver's response, the sender can abort the transaction.

Look up the SMTP command RCPT TO.
        RCPT TO:
If the user is known, the receiving server will respond with something like
        250 OK - Recipient

So it should return 250 if the recipient exists, regardless of whether that mailbox is full?

The provider's system didn't work this way originally. It didn't stop refusing to verify a sender whose mailbox was full until after they implemented a "security update" I think, in late 2011 or early 2012.

According to the Wikipedia article linked by Ted, I think if the SMTP server attempts RCPT TO: and gets 250 back, it can stop the process at that point, thereby not delivering a message to the recipient, and can also refuse to send a bounce message back to the original sender in order to prevent a dictionary attack.

However, my email client will always display the SMTP error in that case (550 Sender verify failed) which ought to be just as useful to a dictionary attacker that can directly read the error message.

So it would seem that nothing really can be done within the realm of email sender verification to protect against such attacks as long as the SMTP server emits some kind of response to the original sender when a message doesn't go through for whatever reason--which, it seems to me, it must do in some manner. At least, in the case of my ISP, returning 550 ought to be just as valuable to a spammer as anything else it could return short of outright lying, in which case a legitimate sender would have a problem.

The Wikipedia article implies that security (over) conscious mail admins may be misusing the protocols. However, I don't understand this well enough to develop a response for my provider.

Can you (or anyone) perhaps suggest exactly what sequence of commands and responses I should ask my provider to use for sender verification?


Ken Dibble

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