Thanks Tracey (as always)

Here's a snippet of my code

lbOpenOutlook  = .F.
On Error lbOpenOutlook =.T.
oOutLook = Getobject(,"Outlook.Application")  &&if outlook is not open this
will cause an error and thus set lbOpenOutlook to true
On Error
If lbOpenOutlook  && if true Outlook needs to be opened
Do trmurphy

Do wkoutlook3 &&check for a signature

#Define olMailItem 0
ON ERROR xouts=.f.
oMailItem = oOutLook.CreateItem( olMailItem )

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Tracy Pearson <>

> Look into using getobject().
> On October 29, 2015 9:23:42 PM EDT, Sytze de Boer <>
> wrote:
> >My clients have the choice of sending emails via Gmail or Outlook
> >I have found Gmail to work better in some instances, Outlook in
> >another.
> >
> >With 1 client, where Outlook is the better option, it has been a pain
> >for
> >almost a year now.
> >What happens is that after (say) 200 emails, the system crashes and the
> >only way out is a Restart of the pc.
> >
> >Today we found the cause of the problem (we think)
> >Every time my system creates an email and "sends" it to Outlook, it
> >opens
> >an instance of Winword.exe and does not release it.
> >So, we can end up with dozens and dozens x Winword.exe visible in the
> >task
> >Processes.
> >
> >Now that we (think) have found the issue, I can kill Winword after each
> >email, but is that the best/only solution ?
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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