
I use CDO to send emails via my Gmail address and it works just sweet
When I try the same with an email address some...@outlook.com, it fails
every time with a message The transport failed to connect to the server
(error 1429)

With Gmail, the port number is 465. From my research, Outlook.com uses 587
or 25
I think Outlook requires TSL but I don't see that option with CDO
I've tried the smtpserver as smtp-mail.outlook.com as well as

This same process (below) works well with an internal Exchange server.

(Winkiss is a table)
   Local lcSchema, loConfig, loMsg, loError, lcErr
   lcErr = ""
   lcSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/";
   loConfig = Createobject("CDO.Configuration")

   With loConfig.Fields
      .Item(lcSchema + "smtpserver")          = ALLTRIM(winkiss.opt15)
      .Item(lcSchema + "smtpserverport")     = winkiss.portnum
      .Item(lcSchema + "sendusing")            = 2
      .Item(lcSchema + "smtpauthenticate")  = .t.
      .Item(lcSchema + "smtpusessl")          = winkiss.usessl
      .Item(lcSchema + "sendusername")      = ALLTRIM(winkiss.usersig)
      .Item(lcSchema + "sendpassword")      = ALLTRIM(winkiss.empw)
   loMsg = Createobject ("CDO.Message")

   With loMsg
      .Configuration = loConfig
      .From            = ALLTRIM(winkiss.opt17)
      .To                = ALLTRIM(winkiss.opt17)
      .Subject         = "Test subject"
      .TextBody      = "Testing SMTP emailing, from myself to myself"


Does anyone have suggestions

Kind regards,
Sytze de Boer

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