This is a good example of why you should use form classes. 

Have your parent form class 'frmParentForm' and have a method called
SetTextBox() on it which takes a string. Also have your button to launch
your child form.

SetTextbox() code:

lparameters lcString
thisform.textbox1.value = lcString

Your child form class 'frmChildForm' has a property 'CallingForm' and a
method called Setup()

So in your code:

loParentForm = CreateObject("frmParentForm")

In your parent form 'launch child form' button:

loChildForm = CreateObject("frmChildForm")

In your child form Setup() method:

lparameter loCallingForm
This.CallingForm = loCallingForm

So now your child form has a reference back to the form that called it.
So on your child form you can now do:


  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

On Wed, 6 Jul 2016, at 12:02 AM, Sytze de Boer wrote:
> Friends
> In a new application I am developing, I have a Form with a Command button
> The Command button opens a 2nd form
> When my client enters data into this 2nd form, I need to show what is
> being
> typed in a Text box on the 1st form.
> Can that be done?
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Sytze de Boer
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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