I use the following

PARAMETERS whatprg, justchecking

lcComputer = "."
loWMIService = GETOBJECT("winmgmts:" +
"{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" + lcComputer + "\root\cimv2")
colProcessList = loWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process")

IF TYPE('colProcessList') = "O"
  FOR EACH loProcess IN colProcessList
     IF ALLTRIM(UPPER(loProcess.NAME)) == ALLTRIM(UPPER(lcProcess))
        IF justchecking
        trt=MESSAGEBOX("Is it ok to close "+lcProcess+" ?",4+32,'')
        IF trt=6
ENDIF  && IF TYPE('colProcessList') = "O"

RELEASE colProcessList, loWMIService

On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:59 AM, rafael copquin <rcopq...@fibertel.com.ar>

> I have been using Excel automation for years. However, I could not find a
> way to kill the Excel application when an error occurs.
> Here is an example:
> I have this cursor with an inventory list that contains 9000 rows and 10
> columns, named curStock.
> I save the cursor with:
> local cExcel
> cExcel = 'c:\temp\stock.xls'
> select curStock
> copy to (cExcel) type xl5
> if upper(vartype(thisform.oExcel)) = "O"
>    thisform.oExcel.quit
>    thisform.oExcel = .f.
> Else
>    thisform.AddProperty('oExcel')
> EndIf
> if upper(vartype(thisform.oExcel)) <> "O"
>    thisform.oExcel=createobject("Excel.Application")
> else
>    thisform.oExcel=getobject(,"Excel.Application")
> endif
> Try
>     lOK = .t.
>     With thisform.oExcel
>        .workbooks.open("&cExcel")
>     endwith
> Catch to oError
>    lOK = .f.
>     MessageBox(oError.message,16,'Excel caused an error',2000)
>   thisform.oExcel.quit
> EndTry
> if not lOK
>     quit
> else
>     *** show the spreadsheet
> endif
> The property thisform.oExcel is trying to open the big Excel sheet
> (stock.xls) but fails
> Supposedly thisform.Excel.quit should kill the Excel instance.
> However it still remains in memory. The task manager shows it is still
> dangling in memory but is invisible.
> How can I kill it?
> BTW I use this approach instead of filling and formatting the sheet line
> by line, because it takes about half an hour to show, due to the large
> amount of records the cursor contains.
> Rafael Copquin
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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