I used a similar code.  Actually what I had to do was put the original code
(the one quoted in my first email on this) in a prg, called from the form

I had this code within a loop (that iterated some 400 times) in my
send_email form. But it would not work. When I took the code out of the
form and placed it into a prg, it worked!

A pseudocode of my form calling the prg is:

select curInvoices

scan all

       cTo = alltrim(curInvoices.email)    && get the email from each

      cAttach = alltrim(curInvoices.invoice)   && contains path to the pdf
and its individual name

      do sendemail with cTo,cAttach

I also put a counter to iterate 10 times, then wait 15 seconds and then
pick another ten emails and so on. This is to avoid gmail rejecting a big
load of emails sent at once.

Of course I had to turn on the 'less secure apps' setting on the Gmail
account first, and then it worked perfectly.

I wonder why it would not work with the cdo code directly on the form. BTW,
my client runs this app from a Windows 7 prof computer, for what its worth.

Thank you all for your suggestions

Rafael Copquin

El 26/09/2017 a las 7:54, Alan Bourke escribió:

I've just tested this code and it sent successfully, but not until I
turned on the 'less secure apps' setting on the Gmail account.

de virus. www.avg.com

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