Brilliant Christof

Many thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of 
Wollenhaupt, Christof
Sent: 16 April 2018 15:36
Subject: Re: Modulo 97 of a very large number

> I need to calculate N % 97 aka Mod(N,97) for very large numbers 
> containing
> 28 digits.  Obviously VFP can't handle numbers that large but maybe 
> somebody can suggest some kind of piece-wise method that would enable 
> me to calculate what I need?

Sounds like an IBAN checksum calculation.

Procedure IBAN (tcCountry, tcBBAN)
Local lnChk, lcIBAN
lnChk = 98 - This.CheckSum (m.tcCountry+"00"+m.tcBBAN) lcIBAN = m.tcCountry + 
Padl( Alltrim (Str(m.lnChk)), 2, "0") + m.tcBBAN Return m.lcIBAN

Procedure Checksum (tcIBAN)

Local lcBBAN, lcLK1, lcLK2, lcDigits
lcBBAN = Substr (m.tcIBAN, 5, 18)
lcLK1 =  TRANSFORM (ASC (Left (m.tcIBAN,1))-55,"@L 99")
lcLK2 =  TRANSFORM (ASC (SUBSTR (m.tcIBAN,2,1))-55,"@L 99") lcDigits = m.lcBBAN 
+ m.lcLK1 + m.lcLK2 + Substr(m.tcIBAN,3,2)

Local lnMod, lnPos, lnDigit
lnMod = 0
For lnPos = 1 to Len(m.lcDigits)
lnDigit = Val (Substr (m.lcDigits, m.lnPos, 1)) lnMod = ((m.lnMod * 10) + 
m.lnDigit) % 97 EndFor

Return m.lnMod

If you by chance need to generate German SEPA XML files, we have a VFP solution 
for that. It should be adoptable for other countries with minor changes.



foxpert GmbHUlzburger Straße 352
22846 Norderstedt

Tel. Zentrale: (040)
605 3373-70
Fax: (040) 605 3373-75
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kiel, HRB 19260 KI

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Norderstedt
Geschäftsführer: Christof Wollenhaupt

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