Lots of spare time today so some hopefully constructive criticism: :)

I would redo some of that code to get away from CTOD() as that will fail depending on SET STRICTDATE and if SET DATE is anything besides MDY.

I have a feeling that your first day of week and last day of week will be incorrect in situations with SET FDOW.

I think PARAMETERS() is also advised against and PCOUNT() is better.

I would also move each function into its own program.

For example FirstDayOfQuarter.prg would be:


        LOCAL lnMonth as Integer, lnYear as Integer, ldDate as Date
        if PCOUNT()=0 then
            m.tdDate = date()
        m.lnYear = YEAR(m.tdDate)
        m.lnMonth = MONTH(m.tdDate)
        DO CASE
            CASE BETWEEN(m.lnMonth,1,3)
                m.ldDate = DATE(m.lnYear, 1, 1)
            CASE BETWEEN(m.lnMonth,4,6)
                m.ldDate = DATE(m.lnYear, 4, 1)
            CASE BETWEEN(m.lnMonth,7,9)
                m.ldDate = DATE(m.lnYear, 7, 1)
            OTHERWISE && CASE BETWEEN(m.lnMonth,10,12)
                m.ldDate = DATE(m.lnYear, 10, 1)
        return ldDate


Frank Cazabon

On 18/05/2018 11:30 AM, mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com wrote:
On 2018-05-16 18:02, Ted Roche wrote:
LastDayOfMonth() or LDOM back in my 8.3 days, was always a popular request:


Ed Leafe had shared a ton of date functions for VFP years ago. Here's what I have in my framework from Ed:

    FUNCTION FirstDayOfMonth(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (tdDate - (DAY(tdDate)-1))
    ENDFUNC && FirstDayOfMonth

    FUNCTION FirstDayOfQuarter(tdDate as Date) as Date
        LOCAL lcDate as String, lcMonth as String, lcYear as String, ldDate as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        lcDate = DTOS(tdDate)
        lcMonth = SUBSTR(lcDate,5,2)
        lcYear = LEFT(lcDate,4)
        DO CASE
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),1,3)
                lcDate = "01/01/" + lcYear
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),4,6)
                lcDate = "04/01/" + lcYear
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),7,9)
                lcDate = "07/01/" + lcYear
            OTHERWISE && CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),10,12)
                lcDate = "10/01/" + lcYear
        ldDate = CTOD(lcDate)
        return ldDate
    ENDFUNC && FirstDayOfQuarter

    FUNCTION LastDayOfQuarter(tdDate as Date) as Date
        LOCAL lcDate as String, lcMonth as String, lcDay as String, ldDate as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        lcDate = DTOS(tdDate)
        lcMonth = SUBSTR(lcDate,5,2)
        lcYear = LEFT(lcDate,4)
        DO CASE
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),1,3)
                lcDate = "01/31/" + lcYear
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),4,6)
                lcDate = "04/30/" + lcYear
            CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),7,9)
                lcDate = "07/31/" + lcYear
            OTHERWISE && CASE BETWEEN(VAL(lcMonth),10,12)
                lcDate = "10/31/" + lcYear
        ldDate = CTOD(lcDate)
        return ldDate
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfQuarter

    FUNCTION FirstDayOfYear(tdDate as Date) as Date
        LOCAL lcDate as String, lcYear as String, ldDate as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        lcDate = DTOS(tdDate)
        lcYear = LEFT(lcDate,4)
        lcDate = "01/01/" + lcYear
        ldDate = CTOD(lcDate)
        return ldDate
    ENDFUNC && FirstDayOfYear

    FUNCTION LastDayOfYear(tdDate as Date) as Date
        LOCAL lcDate as String, lcYear as String, ldDate as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        lcDate = DTOS(tdDate)
        lcYear = LEFT(lcDate,4)
        lcDate = "12/31/" + lcYear
        ldDate = CTOD(lcDate)
        return ldDate
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfYear

    FUNCTION LastDayOfMonth(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (GOMONTH(tdDate,1) - DAY(GOMONTH(tdDate,1)))
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfMonth

    FUNCTION FirstDayOfWeek(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (tdDate - (DOW(tdDate)-1))
    ENDFUNC && FirstDayOfWeek

    FUNCTION LastDayOfWeek(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (tdDate + (7 - DOW(tdDate)))
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfWeek

    FUNCTION LastMonthDate(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (GOMONTH(tdDate,-1))
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfWeek

    FUNCTION NextMonthDate(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (GOMONTH(tdDate,1))
    ENDFUNC && LastDayOfWeek

    FUNCTION JulianDate(tdDate as Date) as Date
        if PARAMETERS()=0 then
            tdDate = date()
        return (tdDate - DATE(YEAR(tdDate)-1, 12, 31))
    ENDFUNC && JulianDate

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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