Hi Frank

Thanks for your reply.  I have tried as you suggest (Config.FPW and Startup.PRG in the VFP9.EXE folder) but that still does not work.  Double-clicking on the PKX opens the project and CD in the command window shows the current folder as the project's folder)


On 09/05/2022 15:10, Frank Cazabon wrote:

I think the issue you are seeing is that when you double click on the PJX, the VFP9.exe runs, but it runs with the default/start in folder being the folder where vfp9.exe sits. If you set up your config in that folder then you should get what you want, once you can make it generic enough.


Frank Cazabon

On 09/05/2022 10:07 am, Paul Newton wrote:
Thanks Jan

You say that double-clicking on a PJX works as usually but what are the commands in your Start.PRG and do they get executed (in addition to the project being opened).


On 09/05/2022 14:09, Jan Bucek wrote:
My config.fpw and start.prg for "command=do start" are placed in VFP folder. Doubleclicking any PJX works for me as usualy.

Dne 8.5.2022 v 19:19 Paul Newton napsal(a):
Hi all

I have a folder containing a PJX, Config.FPW, Startup.PRG, StartThor.PRGand StartHackCX.PRG

Config.FPW contains "Command=Do Startup.PRG"
Startup.PRG contains:
   Do StartThor.PRG
   Do StartHackCX.PRG

The problem is that none of these commands executes when double-clicking on the PJX in Windows Explorer (or other file manager), even though Sys(2019) points to the Config.FPW in the folder in question.

Any ideas or is this just the way it works?

Paul Newton

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