Hi all

I am setting up a new machine running Windows 11 Pro.  I have installed VFP9, together with SP2, Hotfix 3 and other bits and pieces (e.g.XML Parser). I have CONFIG.FPW in the HOME() folder.  When I start VFP, I expect the current folder to be the HOME() folder but in fact it is C:\Users\pauln\Documents\!Visual FoxPro Projects\

If I add RESOURCE = OFF to CONFIG.FPW, VFP starts in the HOME() folder as expected.

If FOXUSER.DBF doesn't exist in C:\Users\pauln\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Visual FoxPro 9\, it is created there VFP  starts in C:\Users\pauln\Documents\!Visual FoxPro Projects\(which is created if it doesn't already exist)

I don't understand why this is happening - how and why is VFP deciding to create a new folder and default to that folder when starting? Is this normal behaviour (I don't think I have ever come across it before)?

Many thanks

Paul Newton

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