Hear that sound? Tick, tick, tick, tick...

That's the countdown clock here at Geek Gatherings getting closer to the 
Super-saver deadline for Southwest Fox!  July
31st is next Monday and we thought we would pass along one more reminder just 
in case you forgot to add it your reminder
list or put a yellow sticky note on your monitor. We still need people to 
register to make the in-person side of the
conference happen.

Urgent: do not make plane reservations until we announce the decision for the 
in-person conference, which we expect to
make in the coming weeks.

The conference takes place October 19-22, 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona and we 
really hope you can be there. We would hate
to see you lose out on the $100 discount and for those who really want to 
attend in-person, miss out on a spot in the
first 50 registrations (the room limit we have for the conference space).

Head over to the registration Web site today: 

If you've already registered, we thank you. Can you help us remind fellow 
developers who have been procrastinating about
the looming deadline by sharing this email, sharing about it on social media, 
or posting on a forum how great a previous
Southwest Fox or Virtual Fox Fest conference was for you? You can also spread 
the word by telling others you're going on
our Facebook event.

Nitty-Gritty Details
Check out our list of amazing speakers (https://swfox.net/speakers.aspx) and 
dig into our sessions
(https://swfox.net/sessions.aspx). Follow the news 
(https://swfox.net/news.aspx) about the conference and our blog

Contact Us:  
.       If you want to be a sponsor: vend...@geekgatherings.com  
.       If you have suggestions or ideas: i...@geekgatherings.com 
.       If you have a friend who wants to be on our mailing list please send 
them to https://swfox.net where they can
sign up to get future mailings.
.       Call: 586.254.2530

Please beat the rush so we still have some fingernails left when August begins!

We appreciate all the support people have shown for the in-person conference 
with early registrations. We look forward
to getting many more this week as we need them to make the "in-person go" 
decision; otherwise, we will be all virtual.
If you're planning to attend the virtual conference, please register now as it 
helps in our decision-making process.

Only 83 days until we gather in Scottsdale.

White Light Computing, Inc.

Post Messages to: ProFox@leafe.com
Subscription Maintenance: https://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profox
OT-free version of this list: https://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profoxtech
Searchable Archive: https://leafe.com/archives
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