Happy Friday everyone! Does anybody happen to have notes they'd be willing
to share on setting up a new machine with Visual Foxpro 9, Thor, and maybe
other must-haves for you? I recently set up a new laptop, and I am getting
an odd error from Thor. It got me to thinking I might not do things in the
right or maybe I've missed a step that the pros do. I don't think I've seen
anyone else's install/setup routine since I set up a gofoxgo.prg at startup
from something I read in a Whil Hentzen book. I am pretty sure that was
VFP6, so it was a while back. Bonus points if your setup notes address
having to keep multiple versions of Foxpro around or a west wind dev setup.
Maybe Foxpro installation on a clean machine would be a good Southwest Fox
session ?!?

Jeff Roberts | jefflrobe...@gmail.com

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