How about this?

How about this?  (new/changed code in blue/bold)

SELECT "luHolidays"
&& build a text list of the holiday dates
    STORE  lcTextList_Dates + chr(13) + TRANS( dDate ) TO lcTextList_Dates

. . .

lnCtr = lnCtr + EVALUATE(tcCursor +
".nEstimatedTime") - EVALUATE(tcCursor + ".nActualTime")
                    lnNumDaysFromNow = INT(lnCtr / tnMaxHrs)
                    ldDate = DATE() && starting date
                    lnLoop = 0
                    DO WHILE lnLoop <= lnNumDaysFromNow
                        IF NOT(INLIST(DOW(ldDate),1,6) OR
TRANS(ldDate) + CHR(13) $ lcTextList_Dates,"luHolidays","dDate")) THEN && only 
count if not a weekend
and not a holiday
                            lnLoop = lnLoop + 1
                        ldDate = ldDate + 1
                    ENDDO && WHILE lnLoop <= lnNumDaysFromNow
                    REPLACE nTimeSpent WITH lnCtr, dExpected WITH ldDate ;
                        IN (tcCursor)

MB Software Solutions wrote:

> MB Software Solutions wrote:
> > Matthew Jarvis wrote:
> >
> >> Since it sounds like Holidays is just a lookup table, why not load it
> >> into an array at app startup?
> >>
> >> Not much diff than a local cursor, but....
> >>
> >>
> >
> > True, and performance-wise I'm sure that'd be quick (if not the
> > quickest!), but alas you've exposed me...I really don't like dealing
> > with arrays as much.  ;-)
> >
> >
> Here's the segment of code in question:
>                     lnCtr = lnCtr + EVALUATE(tcCursor +
> ".nEstimatedTime") - EVALUATE(tcCursor + ".nActualTime")
>                     lnNumDaysFromNow = INT(lnCtr / tnMaxHrs)
>                     ldDate = DATE() && starting date
>                     lnLoop = 0
>                     DO WHILE lnLoop <= lnNumDaysFromNow
>                         IF NOT(INLIST(DOW(ldDate),1,6) OR
> SEEK(ldDate,"luHolidays","dDate")) THEN && only count if not a weekend
> and not a holiday
>                             lnLoop = lnLoop + 1
>                         ENDIF
>                         ldDate = ldDate + 1
>                     ENDDO && WHILE lnLoop <= lnNumDaysFromNow
>                     REPLACE nTimeSpent WITH lnCtr, dExpected WITH ldDate ;
>                         IN (tcCursor)
> --
> Michael J. Babcock, MCP
> MB Software Solutions, LLC
> "Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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