Gee, I hope everything came out all right in the end.

(Bad Chet)...  :-)

Ed Leafe wrote:

>On Jan 17, 2007, at 3:29 PM, Hal Kaplan wrote:
>>OK Ed.  A couple of posts back you wrote "IONAL."  I thought that  
>>meant "I am not a lawyer."  I guess I was wrong about that  
>>particular meaning and that it was not an acronym after all.
>       Oh. Cute.
>       No, IANAL does indeed mean that "I am not a lawyer". It does not  
>mean that my brain is incapable of retaining legal information given  
>to me by a lawyer so that I can conduct my business well.
>       Anyone who sells their creative work, such as software writing, for  
>a living and who hasn't invested a few hundred bucks to sit down with  
>a knowledgeable copyright attorney is being penny-wise and pound- 
>foolish. I did that early in my career, and have met with that lawyer  
>on a couple of occasions since. I write 'IANAL' so that others out  
>there also get good legal advice, instead of taking my regurgitated  
>words as anything other than an informed person's understanding.
>       It is wrong to assert that only lawyers can speak intelligently  
>about legal matters. IANAMD, but I'll bet you that I can talk a whole  
>lot more intelligently about the diagnostic differentials for  
>achalasia than many gastroenterologists. That's not to say that I  
>know everything about gastroenterology; only that which I've  
>experienced first-hand. And I first-hand went through 4 different  
>gastros before I found one who could recognize the condition and  
>treat it accordingly. In the process I learned an awful lot about  
>that particular disease, and feel comfortable in my grasp of this  
>particular condition.
>-- Ed Leafe
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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