=> It's a decade old, but a very well-written piece:
=> http://www.fastcompany.com/online/06/writestuff.html
=> Ted Roche

It reminds me of the way we did things 40 years ago.  Nothing online ... 
everything was batch.  During a good week, you could get 4 turnarounds.  You 
wrote code and bench-checked it at least twice.  Then you keypunched the code 
and you spent a lot of time looking at all the little holes in the cards to 
make sure that you punched it right and did not get a used card (with someone 
else's punches) in your deck.  Then you submitted it and rested a bit.  Then 
repeat the process.  Write, bench-check, review the last run.  Slow.  Methodic.

And now that you have a clean compilation, a decent object module, and an 
executable (no, Microsoft did not invent all those things; they can't even 
steal them without screw-ups), you tested your program.  You used a carefully 
assembled collection of data that blew the program in the past (regression 
testing) and new data that exercised whatever you were coding new.  And when 
the reporting was done, half-a-dozen of your co-workers got to rip it apart (or 
try to) just for the fun of it.

And when it went into production, you were justifiably proud and everyone in 
the organization knew how much effort went into making it good and appreciated 
your effort.  You were the star of the day (or week) because you did everything 
by the book.

And then somebody said ... OLTP ... instant gratification! ... and that was the 
beginning of the age of "progress."


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