On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 11:18:55 -0800, "ken.com"
> Has anyone tried this? What if I need to put files=99 in config.nt?  HP
> says they have modified their Vista so that config.nt and 
> autoexec.nt cannot be modified as in WinXP.

Well, 32-bit Vista still has the 16-bit subsystem so in theory it should
work, despite what you may read on the web, see here:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsvista/aa905017.aspx). To quote:

"Will my MS-DOS applications continue to run under Windows Vista without

Yes, they will. "

That would apply to Win16 apps like FoxPro For Windows as well.

 I don't know if HP have done something rights-wise to disallow access

16-bit stuff will not work on *any* 64-bit Windows, be it XP or Vista or
  Alan Bourke

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