On 3/15/07, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So far, all my LAMP work has been with Apache, MySQL and PHP.

An expert!

> I just saw that the Apache, Fedora, and Ubu wiki projects are all run on
> a Python-based wiki framework, moinmoin. Seems time to push this higher
> up on the list.
> What requirements are there, other than mod_python and some tweaks to
> httpd.conf, for Python to replace PHP as the language engine for a Web app?

Moin-moin is actually a great example for this. It runs standalone, as
a CGI app or with helper apps like Twisted, FastCGI or Mod_python.

There's more than one way to do it, and you have choices, of course.

Moinmoin's documentation covers the different ways python and a
webserver can be configured. In their case, they are focused on
getting moinmoin running, but it applies in general to most uses of
python on the web:


> What are the differences, if any, running on a Windows box?

More viruses, poorer performance, less reliability. Why would you run
Windows on a server?

> And how does it work? I've poked around a bit but haven't found a 30
> second 'this is what it does' tutorial. I'm looking for one of those
> explanations you'd get while riding up in an elevator with someone, on
> the order of "PHP is an Apache module that intercepts requests to the
> server. You have a .php page on the server. In it is a mixture of PHP
> and HTML code. When a browser requests the page, the PHP module
> interprets PHP commands and functions on the page and returns static
> text as results of those commands and functions."

How about: "Python is a scripting language, like PHP, Perl or Ruby. Or
ASP, only not as bad.. You have to configure your web server to know
which handler to call to hand the python request. Mod_python is an
Apache module that can be registered to do this, though there are
other ways that are cheaper, faster, better, more scalable or get all
the girls. You can embed python right inside the HTML, ugly but cheap
and effective, or you can do something similiar to what you might
already be familiar with from West Wind, building a response object,
querying a request object, augmenting the response with templates or
macros before generating the return of HTML to the requesting client.
" Ding! Here's my floor; I'm off the elevator.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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